I Am Rudely Awakened by an Omelet

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The next day, I am awoken to a very disturbing clanging sound. I literally jump out of bed. "Good morning, lazy!" exclaims Maya, rather cheerfully. "What the?! Maya! What was that?!" I exclaim. "Your wakeup call!" she answers, as if it's obvious.

"No-I mean, what did you wake me up with?!"

Maya glances down to the items she's carrying and makes a face as if she's just noticing them. "Um, a fork and pan. You don't need me to tell you that," she answers, humored. "What I don't need is you waking me up like that!" I respond. Maya rolls her eyes.

"Here's your breakfast. Eat quickly, we've got more work today," she explains, holding out the pan containing a yellow, gooey thing to me. I stare at it blankly. "What is this?" I ask, curious, as if I've discovered a new type of rock.

"It's an omelette! Have you ever seen an omelette before or are you making fun of my cooking?" she asks, glaring.

Afraid of making her madder, I shake my head."No, I've never seen this... 'omelette' before..."

"Well, eat it. It's good," Maya replies, pointing her fork at me like a knife.

"Why didn't I get dinner last night?"

"No dinner for newbies."

"What?! Now that's just plain unfairness."

"Yep, well, they're the rules. Now eat your breakfast." Maya hands the fork to me.

"Yes, ma'am," I grumble.

Maya, already on her way down the ladder, turns to look at me. "What was that?" she asks, warning in her voice.

"Umm nothing... I just said the omlette's good," I answer, innocently. She stares at me, scrutinizingly, then decides it's not worth it and climbs down the rest of the ladder. Guess it's just me and my omelette... I look down at it. I poke it with my fork as if it's some sort of alien. I take a piece of it and warily hold it near my mouth.

"Are you almost done?!" shouts Maya from below, startling me into shoving the piece into my mouth. A burst of flavors explodes on my tongue. Wow! This is great! I quickly scarf down the rest of the omlette, not caring to savor the flavor. I wonder why Dad's never had this before? Maybe it's too mundane... I glance down at my empty frying pan, wondering where the omelette went.

"Come on, Nathan! You take just as long to eat as you get dressed!" Maya shouts.

"Hey! I don't take long on either of those!" I shout back, heading towards the ladder and climbing down.


This story's taking a bit long, are you gonna get to the action sometime this week?

I can't just skip this! It's part of my story!

What did you just say? Sorry, I fell asleep.


So. When are you planning to start the adventure?

Soon! Just hold on for a little bit!

All right... At least skip this boring part of the chores.

Fine! Fine.


Maya and I work till late noon. We take a break for lunch under the heat of the beating sun. She hands me a grill-cheese sandwich with a side of sliced, dressed with lemon juice and garlic tomatoes. "Who makes your food? It's amazing," I comment.

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