***Arc 2*** part 1: Murder Case

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A soft thud accompanied the fallen chess piece. A white queen knocking down a black queen. Zaia's mouth turned up into a proud grin, leaning back in triumph as she spoke slowly, enunciating the word.


The earl stared at her with a sudden shock in his royal blue hues. He huffs not entirely happy with his lost.

"Very well then, you win." He says, "for now."

Zaia smirks, "I did recall saying I will beat you in your own game. I hold true to my promise." She was having way too much fun with this. No one really ever beats the Phantomhive in a battle in chess. So the fact that she won. Even just once, is quite remarkable to say the least.

"It was an interesting game,"

Finally letting it go Zaia took a drink from her teacup tasting the sweet blend of her warm earl grey tea linger on her taste buds. She tilted her head slightly as she eyed Ciel.

"We both know you did not just call me for a game." She spoke, placing the tea back to the little plate the sound of glass made a soft 'tink'

"Of course, there's a new case." He began, taking his own cup and letting his drink drown out.

Raising a brow at this she nodded urging him to continue.

"It's a murder case, a very gruesome one. If you choose not to participate in this case it's fine by me. I thought the first case might've took a toll on you." He stated. well in a way he is right. The first one did took a toll on her, but everything that has happened took a toll on her. It was like she was a piece of meat and they're all starving lions tearing her apart.

"No I want to help," she insisted.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked.

It's better than staying in a huge mansion, with all the space around her and the solitary air that seems to follow her around in the halls and even her room. The constant screaming, that would never leave her alone. Maybe it's better if she distracts herself.

With a firm voice and sure smile, she nods.

"I'm sure."

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