Part 4~

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Date- 12 February Location- France, Paris

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Date- 12 February
Location- France, Paris

So Jide's bag was indeed lost, the airport had seen no sign of it and no one had handed it in. They just suggested we give up looking for it, as it had probably been stolen.

And of course, Jj wasn't happy about that at all. And the whole plane ride to France, that's all he talked about.

"My stupid bag. Why are people such dicks? Why can't they keep there grubby hands off what isn't theirs?"

"Joshhhhh my bag it's gone. The amount of money that bag was worth is ridiculous, you could buy a fucking house with the money!"

"If I ever find out who stole my bag, I'm fucking punching 'em straight in the nose."


All 7 boys began walking through Paris admiring the small shops, the amazing food, the entertainment acts. It was all so beautiful, so of course they had to visit the iconic Eiffel Tower.

Once the boys were standing beneath the tower, they all began to take pictures and talk about how amazing it is."You guys are such dorks for being amazed at a stupid tower" jj scoffed.

"Just cause we appreciate the little things, and things don't depend on the price or how shiny they are ?" Ethan snarled. Jide rolled his eyes as they began walking up the tower.

"This is gonna are forever isn't it?" Harry questioned, already fed up of walking up 10 stairs.

" hey the view is to die for. It will all be worth it" Vik nudged.

The boys made it to the 2nd floor of the Eiffel Tower and stood in pure amazement.

"Okay so this is really pretty." Ethan admitted, gazing over the beautiful views of Paris.
"Eh its a Tower, and you can always see Paris from a drone shot." Simon smirked, not as impressed as the others.

Vik and josh as always we're incredibley impressed by the views and spent as much time looking as possible. Tobi made sure Harry didn't fall off, or escape anywhere. Ethan just stood next to Simon the whole time, and jj just wondered.

And just like that, they were walking back down the tower to the ground again. They couldn't spend as much time up there as they wanted because it was overcrowded.

Everyone stood around chatting for a while. Tobi, vik, josh and Ethan talking amongst themselves. Harry taking a picture with a fan, and Simon slowly creeping over to Jide who had completely zoned out.

8 months love story~ KsimonWhere stories live. Discover now