Chapter 1 - The Blunt

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I laid back on my bed as I checked my phone for any texts. Cami told me she was going to text me the plan for tomorrow, you know it being my first day and all. I glanced at my uniform and scoffed, it really was going to be different. At my last school , we had no uniform so everything was so competitive and filled with drama, people tryna outshine others.

My phone vibrated, my alarm was set for 6:30 , Cami insisted that I meet her early for 7 to go to the office to get signed in. As much as a control freak she is I love her she was the only friend I made last year when she arrived in America and came my school. We instantly clicked over our love for track and was very sad to see her leave. But now I've moved to Italy and will be attending hers. Ironic.

RINGGGG!!!! My fluttered open to see 10 missed calls from Cami and it was 6:25...
I rolled my eyes and headed to my bathroom where I brushed my teeth and swiftly showered. I threw on my uniform and applied some light makeup ( still trying look nice on my first day👀) I later headed downstairs to my parents. My parents were divorced but live together for " my sake". I mean they don't argue, well not anymore, but at least I get to see both parents all the time. "Hey mom" I shouted from the kitchen as I bit on some toast left on the counter. " Hey sweetie, someone called Cami rang she said you should meet her at the bus stop where she'll pick you up" she replied. I rolled my eyes and made my way to the front door , which I opened after screaming " BYE MOM, BYE DAD" slamming the door shut behind me. I pulled out my phone and used the camera to wipe away any crumbs as I applied a layer of lip gloss and called Cami. " finally I've been waiting outside your gate for an hour" she scoffed. Chuckling, I cut the phone and ran to the gate practically pouncing on her when I saw her brown locks. " I've missed you so much" , " me too" she replied squeezing me a little tighter. " come on let's go we have to get you signed in"

As we drove to school , Cami couldn't help but scoff at passers by in the street. " ugh what is she wearing" , "she's not even heading in the direction of school." Cami was a teachers pet it was hard to get her to loosen up in america but maybe I could try getting her to loosen up in one of the parties over here, I thought to myself as we pulled up into the school driveway.
As I stepped into the hallway people instantly stared at me sending either looks or disgust or excitement. Cami told me I was the first American to come to their school, that alone made me nervous , but experiencing people staring wasn't something I was fond of. So I scooted closer to Cami as she walked over to her locker where a tall boy with a chiseled face, soft brown locks like Cami , a petite girl with dirty blonde hair, a boy shorter than the first with black curls, and two boys thought to be twins each with brown hair stood. They all stared at me as Cami and I approached them. They all exchanged glances before smiling at me. "Niccolo, Virginia, Victorio, Carlos, and Brando , I would like you to meet Julianna. Cami started, " hey I'm Julianna , Jules for short I smiled reaching out to shake their hands. The girl virginia lightly swatted my hand away, pulling me into a hug before leaning in my ear whispering " stay away from my boyfriend and we'll get alone just fine."
I pulled away from her embrace and scratched the back of my neck laughing nervously before shaking the rest of their hands. So far the reception was nice and friendly, before two girls walked in hand in hand.

Their names was Ludovica, Ludo for short, and Chiara

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Their names was Ludovica, Ludo for short, and Chiara. I hadn't personally met them but Cami told me a while ago about them and how they used to be friends. Straight away they all started hollering names at them, calling them sluts and walking stds whilst Cami just glared at them coldly. I made eye contact with one of the girls , Chiara, she looked hurt so I flashed her a sympathetic smile. The bell rang and broke our gaze, everyone scurring out of the hall, even Cami left me so I stood there confused on where to go. I reached into my pocket to get my timetable when my books fell all over the floor, papers flew in different directions as a pair of footsteps approached me from behind. I didn't turn to see who it was because I was too focused on getting to class. The figure stood over me and chuckled lightly before bending down to help pick up papers.

Standing up he met my gaze, " oh hey niccolo" I smiled. He smirked before handing me my books , tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. " I'm Cami's brother btw" he shared, walking me to my class. " that's nice to hear" I awkwardly laughed. Before entering the class I took one last glance at him before saying goodbye. He leaned into me slowly not taking his eyes of me. I closed my eyes half expecting him to kiss me, when he pulled a piece of paper out of my hair and whispered in my ear softly " see you around" before turning to meet his girlfriend around the corner.

The last thing I heard was Virginia squeal as he approached her picking her up from her waist twirling her around. I took a deep breath and entered the classroom, eyes falling on me as I Inhaled and chocked out " sorry I'm late" "that's fine miss Rossi take a seat" the professor replied. I took a seat next to Cami which she mouthed sorry , for leaving me in the hallway. I smiled at her and took out my notebook.

Throughout the day I couldn't stop thinking about Niccolo that's until I remembered Virginia's warning and what Cami told me her friend did last year. I quickly suppressed those thoughts by asking to go to the toilet.

I wondered the halls aimlessly before being interrupted by him...

" well hello again" he started, pulling out a blunt from his pocket. He inhaled swiftly and exhaled coughing before passing it to me. I reluctantly took a hit. " why are you out of class" I questioned furrowing my eyebrows at him. " to smoke" he smirked. " here take another hit you look like you've had a rough day." "Not rough, just boring I suppose" I sighed taking another hit. This time I chocked a little , before hearing footsteps.

Quickly, Niccolo pulled me into a nearby closet, my back pressed against his front as his hands closed over my mouth. "Shhhh" he hummed in my ear, I nodded tensing my body as the footsteps became louder and louder. When it became quieter I relaxed my muscles. I felt something hard pressed against my back, when I realised what position I was in, I broke from his embrace and ran out the cupboard. I walked towards the toilet embarrassed,as the bell rang for the end of the day.

I could hear Virginia pulling Niccolo in for a kiss. I couldn't help but get a tiny bit jealous.
I left the toilet and walked over to Cami, we spoke for a while before the others joined us in front of the gate. "Hey Jules I'm having a party tonight , you should come?" Victorio asked flashing a smile in my direction. " on a Monday?" I questioned raising my brows at the boy. "Yeah we always have parties on weird days" chimed Virginia as Niccolo planted soft kisses down her neck , gently nibbling on her lobe. She let out a breathy moan, taking her lip between her teeth, before she was interrupted by Cami. "Could you not kiss my brother in front of me" Cami sneered with a look of disgust on her face. Niccolo smirked and pulled Virginia onto his motorbike, we made eye contact for a brief moment before he slipped on his helmet, pulling out the driveway.

A/n : hey erm this is my first time writing so don't judge. I'm going to try stick to the timeline of Baby , but change things up a little bit. Comment any requests and vote :)

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