Chapter 8 - hallways

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Nico's POV

The past few weeks, Jules had spent with Carlos, she didn't even come over to see Cami like she said she would. I shouldn't care. I mean , I don't care. Ever since the party Carlos and I have been avoiding each other, I'm not sure how we're going to come back from this.
The day after I spent trying to come up with excuses to tell everyone If they asked why I swung on Carlos, but nothing was a good enough reason, so avoiding Carlos was pretty much the plan.

Monday was a new day, so I planned to act as if nothing ever happened. That backfired massively.

I walked through the school doors Virginia by my right hip , struggling to slip her hand into mine I desperately wanted her to stop, for some reason I wanted Jules to not see Virginia by my side, I quickly gave in. My first glance was at her. And my did she look beautiful. she didn't even look up at me, she was too invested in Carlos' hair instead.
You see I'm used to getting what I want, and when I don't I have a habit getting "kicking off" , and all I wanted was for her to look at me. I could have easily stormed off, but no I stayed and went through my plan, I greeted everyone even them. Carlos looked up at me and replied " Hey" his tone deep and laced with anger, his eyebrows furrowed at me with confusion, I looked down at his fists curled into a ball, I clenched my jaw and made direct contact with him. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her. Jules whisper something in his ear that seemed to release him from his "fit" . That was my cue to leave. I barged past  them ignoring, the yells of my name, heading to the gymnasium. I sat on the bleachers for quite some time and didn't bother going to first period. Instead I sat and stared at my ground until I heard footsteps coming towards me. At first it was faint, then it grew louder and louder till it reached the gymnasium door. I didn't look up but from her mary jane's i knew it was Jules.

Jules POV

"So this is where, you've been hiding" I looked down to see a smirking Nico. "So, you're not upset, you just wasted 2 hours of double english smirking." "Why do you care so much?" he retorted furrowing his eyebrows. " Don't flatter yourself, Sir sent me to find you, since there's nothing wrong with you i'm going back now" I turned around an made it down 3 steps before hearing a faint "wait" I stopped for a minute and pretended to look around for who's speaking, then continued my return " I said wait Jules, please" I stopped in my tracks and turned to face Nico. "what" I started but was interupped by a brief " Did you fuck him" Nico questioned sat with his eyes fixed on my lips I couldn't believe what fell from his mouth instead of answering I just laughed. " what's it to you" this time he walked towards me and leaned in. We were so close, if he leaned his head in we would kiss. my breath hitched as he leaned in closer and whispered "whatever" before heading for the door. "wow Nico, you really are a asshole" I yelled to which he turned and blew me a kiss before leaving. I waited 2 minutes after he left to leave, I didn't want anyone questioing why we were in the gym for so long together.

I turned the corner of the hall-way, walking towards the girls bathroom until I was met with a bothered Carlos. "Hey" I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck, I leaned in to kiss him but was met with his cheek. He pulled away from my grasp and spoke. "I saw you Jules" confused I replied " you saw me what?" he pulled me into the janitor's office and answered me. " I saw you leave the gymnasium with Nico" I laughed it was the only way I could react, I mean Carlos couldn't possibly think that I was hooking up with Nico. " Sir told me to find him and get him to go back to class, that's it, nothing happened" I spoke in a gentle tone, and raised my hand up to caress his cheek. " I promise you nothing happened, why were you in the halls anyway" I questioned back. " I was looking for you, Ludo told me that left class, when I was going to the bathroom, she wasn't clear why" he replied. With the tension gone I locked lips with Carlos. it was a passionate, reassuring kiss.

I didn't want him thinking anything happened, or has happened at all with Nico, especially after the events of the party. Carlos peppered rough kisses on my neck before sucking on my sweet spot, I became completely undone in front of him, I grabbed onto his blazer trying to contain my moans, when I looked out the little glass making eye contact with Nico. I watched his gaze linger down to my thighs where Carlos hand my lace panties above my knee his finger rubbing figure 8s on my clit. Nico clenched his jaw and walked away. Carlos moved his assault on my neck to my lips,  taking my bottom lip between his teeth, gently sucking on the blood left.

Nico's POV

I stood there watching her become undone by him.

A wave of jealousy washed over me, I wanted to desperately to leave ;however, I stayed, I couldn't take my eyes off of her, the glint in her eyes, her smile, I could only imagine the noises she was making in there. It sure was enough to make me hard. that's when I finally left. As I walked through the hall-way, flashing images of the events started to cloud my mind, part of me wanted to go back, strip her from his touch and devour her lips. Suddenly the bell rang and students came storming into the halls, I looked back to see a very happy Carlos with his arm around Jules. I locked eyes with Carlos and he winked. I wanted nothing more than to hurt him but to end this "feud" I smiled back before being pulled to sentle a argument between Cami and Virginia. In that moment I knew I wanted nothing more than Jules, but I know she's not interested, well at least not now.

I know I haven't updated in a while, I've literally haven't found the time to and had zero motivation but now I'm going to be writing frequently again. I hope you like the book, if you have any ideas feel free to message me and please vote

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