chapter 5 - The date

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The week came quickly to an end, time seemed to flyby, as if the universe wants me to hurry up and go on the date. I played it off to Cami how excited I am all week, facetiming, and shopping for clothes, when really I was dreading it. Not because of Carlos. I mean Carlos is hot. Really, really hot. He's the only thing I'm excited for. I'm the last person I'd thought would ever go for me. Everytime I was excited about the date, it was suppressed with thoughts of Virginia and Nico. Throughout the week, Nico and I argued a lot. About things he did to provoke me, like barging past on purpose, then flashing a smile whilst I withered on the floor, In retalition I stuck gum on Virginia's locker, so whilst they were in the middle of a heated make out sesh he leant back against her locker capturing the wad of gum on his blazer. It wasn't until Brando made him aware, that he fumed.

He yelled through the halls threatening to beat up the whoever tagged him with the gum. Across the hall I stood smirking, watching him ramble on, he turned around to my direction to holler,whilst we made brief eye contact, I flashed him a smile and wave. Just as he was about to run to me the bell rang, hundreds of students filling the halls making it impossible for him to get to me ;however, my class was in his direction. So I ducked my head down and tried to make my way through students. As I struggled to get through the crowd I felt a sharp pinch on my right wrist , followed by a yank and a hand over my mouth. Nico. At least I thought it was. My breath hitched as I felt cool breath blowing on my neck. "Get off me Nico" I yelled, shoving the figure back. It was dark so I couldn't quite make out who it was, but since  it was a closet he was the first thing that came to my mind. "Nico? It's me Carlos" I sighed and pulled him in for a hug " omg I'm so sorry" I laughed clutching him tight against my chest. "Why would you think I'm Nico" he questioned softly releasing me from his grip. "Because he was chasing me" I played off in a cool tone. The last thing I wanted was for Carlos to think there is something going on between me and Nico. Mainly because disliked him very much. " anyways I hope your ready for our date tonight" he smiled pulling me out the closet and walking me to class. " Yeah I can't wait" I lied looking up at him through my lashes. As much as I didn't want to go on the date. I really like Carlos, so part of me was at least happy I'd have something to try and take my mind off the evening.

As I entered class, I scanned the classroom for a place to sit and made eye contact with him. He was sat in my usual seat where I sit with Cami. Cami was perched next to Virginia and whispered "sorry" as I walked past. I frowned at her and made my way to Nico. I took my seat, and took out my book trying not to glance at him. Halfway through class I had manage to ignore his attempts at conversation, until he mentioned our date. I mean my date with Carlos, he is just merely tagging along.

"Can't wait to see what your wearing tonight" he whispered in my ear, his warm breath hitting my skin. I bit my lip and looked down not wanting to look at him. It will just give him the satisfaction he wants. "By the way I've forgiven you for the gym." He smirked. I looked up and laughed " it's still on you" "see I knew I would get you to talk to me" he laughed.  "Well.." I was cut off by the bell signalling for the end of the day. I packed up my things and swiftly made my way to Cami's car. We drove to my house hurriedly and started picking out dresses.

" okay I think you should go for a dangerous look, you don't intend on doing anything with Carlos right." She questioned. " right" I chuckled. " Good so we need something that will make him want you all night !" She squealed excitedly. After a hour of raiding my closet , we stumbled on a dress. Thigh length, satin but synched in the right places to accentuate my curves. A deep red painting the fabric. "This is amazing "  Cami spoke softly holding the dress to my body . She threw it at me hastily " put it on now " she demanded. I laughed and walked to my bathroom smoothing the dress over my thighs. I walked back out and smiled at Cami. " you look beautiful" Cami whispered sitting me down on my bed starting on my hair and makeup.

Soon enough I was ready. I paced around my room . 8.00 and he's still not here. " he is coming I promise don't worry " Cami reassured me. Just as I was about to sigh , I heard a knock on the door followed by voices downstairs. "Jules, your date is here" my mum bellowed from the bottom of the stairwell. Cami and I exchanged quick glances before jumping up and down frantically. " quick how do I look" I questioned. " great quickly go go" Cami laughed shoving me out of the room. I stood at the top of the stairs and waited for Carlos to look at me before I started walking.
His lips parted almost immediately, his eyes never left me as I walked down the stairs. "Mum I'll be back around 12:30" I said pulling her into a hug. Carlos mouth still hung open as I pulled him out the house.

"You look beautiful" he started opening the door of his car for me. I felt a blush creep onto my cheek and turns away to hide it. " thanks, you look quite dashing yourself" I giggled nervously. The ride to the restaurant was filled with chatter, just asking random questions and finding out more about each other. We shortly arrived at the restaurant hand in hand , I scanned the room for Nico and saw he wasn't there I let out a sigh of relief only to be greeted 5 seconds later by Virginia making her way out the bathroom hand in hand with Nico. Her dress was riding up and Nico was smirking so I assumed they had just had sex. I could smell the sweat off Virginia. "Hey Jules you look gorgeous" Virginia smiled pulling me into a hug. I awkwardly wrapped my arms around her waist and chuckled. "Thanks, you look stunning" I replied. Virginia looked more than stunning she looked absolutely breathtaking. She had just had a round of sex and she still looked flawless. I turned to Nico and looked him up and down. " you look , erm" "sexy, I know" he laughed. "Don't flatter yourself" I replied , flashing him another look before turning my attention to Carlos.

The night had gone well. Carlos and I are surprisingly alike, he likes art like me and his favourite movie is Thor Ragnorok. Nico hadn't bothered annoying me the whole night, instead staring at me with his hand up Virginias dress making her squirm the whole night. Carlos phone rang and he stepped outside to speak. Virginia left to the bathroom, probably to find a replacement for her soaked panties, so it was just me and Nico left at the table.

For a moment it was silent, until he spoke up. "You do look pretty tonight" he said biting his lip. " is that a compliment from Nico, wow I'm lucky" I started, "I could easily take it back" "then take it back" I replied cocking my head to the side to examine his face. " what is up with you anyways, the gum on my locker" "what about you barging me in the halls, stop being a dick then I won't put gum on your locker" I continued, crossing my arms in a angry manner. He stood up and walked towards me sitting in Carlos chair. He looked me in the eyes before caressing my cheek and whispered "you can't tell me what to do" I gulped hard and softly replied "or what" with that he smashed his lips against mine. Roughly biting my bottom lip, I parted my lips to moan to which he slipped his tongue in,both our mouths fighting for dominance. He had is hand lightly around my neck squeezing it every now and then. 

My phone buzzed , it was a text from Cami asking how the date is going. With that I pushed Nico off me staring at him in shock before whispering " what are you doing" he looked into my eyes before replying " I don't know". Instantly he got up and returned to his seat, just in time to see Carlos arrive at the table. " Nico me and jules are gonna go here's money for the meal" he smiled dropping a number of euros on the table. Without hesitating I grabbed hold on his arm and walked out the door with him looking back to see Virginia on his lap, peppering soft kisses to his neck. I wasn't shocked , but part of me was still a bit shaken after our kiss. Carlos and I got into his car and drove to my house.

The whole way he tried to engage in conversation with me, but I couldn't focus. I couldn't stop thinking about our kiss. Now he had completely been drowned out by my thoughts. I could no longer hear his voice just see his lips moving whilst worries filled my head. "Jules? Jules?" Carlos shouted waving his hand in my face. "We're here, I had a great time tonight and I hope you did too" after being brought back to reality I replied " yes I had a great time thanks" I got out the car and started walking to towards my door before Carlos shouted my name. I turned back round and walked over to the car. "Yeah?" I questioned. He looked at me almost like he wanted to say something instead he pulled me into a kiss. The kiss was softer than before. He lightly nipped at my lip, slipping his tongue in to my mouth. I smiled against him and broke the kiss. "Good night" "I'll see you on Monday" he winked and he pulled out of my driveway.

Slumped, I climbed my stairs sinking into the bed almost immediately, I didn't bother to change or text Cami and drifted of to sleep. What did bother me was that in that moment all I could think about was Nico.

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