Chapter 6 - aftermath

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The weekend went fast, Carlos and I spoke throughout the weekend. He's a nice guy so the last thing I wanna do is hurt him but all I could think about was Nico. How his lips were soft against mine, the way he looked into my eyes. I've been trying to shake this feeling but I wasn't quite sure what it was yet. Is lust ? I was keen to explore whatever it was but the thought of me going anywhere near Nico was enough to make me throw up.  I planned to avoid him at all times. Besides I was with Carlos now.

RING!!! RING!!!! I woke up to the sound of my alarm echoing through my room. I quickly took a shower, got dressed and headed to school. As I arrived Cami was stood by the gate patiently waiting for me at gate, she looked worried, almost scared.
"Hey , what's wrong" I asked. She shuffled to the side and looked down as we walked into the school hallway. "It's Nico we haven't heard from him at all since Friday" she whispered. " it's fine I'm sure he just stayed at Virginia's" I assured her.

Naturally I wouldn't care ;but, I could feel myself getting somewhat scared, however that was quickly replaced as Nico walked in hand in hand with Virginia. "See I told you" I whispered to Cami, my voice laced with sadness but I didn't know why, suddenly I felt two arms snake around my waist. I turned around to see a smiling Carlos. "Hey Jules" he smiled, bending down to peck my lips. As I kissed Carlos I could feel a pair of eyes burning into my back. I turned around to meet a red faced Nico before he walked away. Everyone gave each other a confused look before walking to class.

When we got to class, Carlos and I took our seats at the back of the class, he insisted that I sit next to him. We started off talking instead of working which probably wasn't a good idea because Carlos got moved to the front I couldn't see who was sitting at the front when he was being told to to move because I was too busy burying my head into my book hoping not to get caught, I didn't even bother to see who was approaching me until I heard that voice.

"Hey Jules" Nico smirked. Sometimes I want to shoot myself for acting like a complete idiot in important situations. This was one of those moments. "The kiss" I whispered softly staring into his brown orbs. I mentally facepalmed myself. I was supposed to avoid him the last thing I wanted was bringing up the kiss, and me being the loser I am spat it out the first chance I got.

I turned to gave him when he sat down, his smirk seemed to disappear and was left with a blank expression. His eyebrows furrowed as he spat "what kiss", his voice was laced with anger. "What are you talking about you kis" - I was interrupted by a book being slammed on the table. "Sir can I please return to my seat, Julianna over here can't seem to stop talking. With that he got up and headed back to the front of the classroom, being replaced with a happy Carlos. The whole lesson Carlos spent talking about Marvel , I couldn't focus on anything that was being said. I could feel myself about to cry. My throat became scratchy as everytime I gulped it felt like I was swallowing a ton of bricks. I quickly bent down into my bag to wipe away my tear. I mean I don't know what I expected Nico to say, I knew he would be too proud to talk about it but never did I expect him to speak to me in that tone. I get that we dislike each other but for the first time he spoke as if he hated me and for some reason it made me upset. The whole lesson I spent trying not to cry. As soon as the bell rang I ran out the door ignoring Carlos calling after me. I felt like i couldn't breathe. I headed for the girls bathroom the nearest thing to me.

I burst open the door to see a crying Chiara I had no time to console her so I ran past her to the nearest stall. In my mind I was weeping quietly, however I must have been wailing because Chiara came knocking. " are you okay in there?" She questioned concerned. I'm not a liar and most of the time tell the truth but no way was I gonna tell Chiara that I'm crying over Nico. So I lied. "Yeah I just started my period yesterday and the cramps are killing me" I chuckled through tears. "I have medication if you need any" she offered shoving the packet underneath the stall. "No it's fine I've already taken some" I lied. Again. I slid the packet back underneath the door, and waited for Chiara to leave before I left.

I opened the the door to see Carlos waiting outside with Cami. "Hey are you okay Chiara said she heard you crying" Cami spoke as we entered her car. "Yeah I'm fine just cramps" I smiled. The drive home was spent listening to music and gossiping, Cami told me that Chiara had just broken up with Damiano, and that she's thinking of talking to him again. Naturally I encouraged her, but with Chiara being my friend , I couldn't help but feel guilty. I used my key to open the door and found the house empty. With that I went straight to my room and laid back on my bed. I stared at the ceiling and laughed.

What is actually wrong with me, I was crying over Nico. Nico. That was the most embarrassing moment of my life. As I stared at the ceiling thoughts clouded my mind. Why was I even upset in the first place, i have no feelings towards him at all or do i...

A/n thanks for reading, I know this chapter was short but I promise the next one is going to be very long ! Remember to vote❤️

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