Chapter 7 - Vanilla

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It's been 2 weeks since me and Niccolo's last encounter, I would like to say I was avoiding him but in fact I was doing the complete opposite I found myself leaving lessons and snooping around Cami's house looking for Nico and every time he wasn't there. It started to look as if he was avoiding me instead. So I made a pact with myself, to ignore Nico and focus on Carlos.

I felt guilty , guilty that I kissed another boy on our date , and guilty that I don't think I like him the same way he likes me. Don't get me wrong he's hot, super hot, and kind - well to me- and funny. But something doesn't feel right , it feels forced. Even though I was consumed with guilt I still stayed with Carlos hoping that my feelings would change overtime, after all he had no faults , it was simply a me problem. I tend to do these type of things , wanted to be loved but when I do feel trapped and feel the need to get out . I think this was one of those moments, after all Carlos didn't hurt me , I hurt him.

"So I'll pick you up at 8, and we'll make our way to Virginias" Carlos smiled. I didn't like Virginia, never have , but with us being in the same friendship group tolerating her was a thing everyone did. I could lie and say I was excited for that night, but I wasn't, I was dreading seeing Nico not after what happened in school. At least Carlos was there to keep me distracted. He softly trailed his fingers over my jaw, my cheeks flushing red, before smashing his lips into mine. The kiss was tender not too soft not too rough, I guess that's what set Nico and Carlos apart. Nico's kiss was rough and needy whilst Carlos was passionate. Carlos always made sure I knew he cared even when it wasn't needed, that's one of the things that made me like Carlos in the first place.

One of the main reasons I felt guilty.

I got out of the Car and made my way up to my room to get dressed. I brushed straight past my parents to my closet. I don't know why I felt the need to stand out , I already had Carlos' attention, but maybe his attention wasn't the one I desired. I decided on a black two piece.I added some light makeup and laid back on my phone waiting for Carlos to arrive. In the meantime I thought that I'd message Cami asking what she was wearing. I was shocked to hear that Damiano had broken up with Chiara, she didn't seem to be pitiful at all but rather happy. At the time it didn't bother me , If she's happy I'm happy, besides I was closer to her than Chiara so agreeing with her was a default.

Shortly after Carlos arrived , handsome as always, he helped me into the car, I didn't bother saying bye to my parents besides they were busy anyways, I just slipped out the door hand in hand with Carlos. Something changed that night with Carlos, I didn't know what it was, but he seemed more sexually frustrated than usual.

"You look beautiful" he whispered latching his mouth to my neck. My breath hitched as he left tiny marks on my skin, I tugged at his hair pulling him back up to eye level, before moaning into the kiss. This time it was rough, and lustful. He pulled back to steal a glance at me whilst biting his lip before continuing his assault on my neck. He trailed his fingers up my thighs in a painfully slow way before reaching my clothed area. He pulled my underwear to the side and circled figure 8s on my clit, the car became hot filled with my moans. All of a sudden he stopped. He smirked before starting the car , he swiftly pulled out of my driveway before turning to me again.

"Take off your underwear" his eyes turned dark with lust. "Carlos" was all I could mumble out, as nervous as I was I was intrigued to see this side of him. Without another word I removed my underwear and placed it in his pocket. He smiled at me and took off driving again. Confused, I crossed my legs and watched passers by in the street then I felt his hands.
His hands softly moving up my leg parting them to grant access to my box. My breath hitched as he plunged two fingers into me , starting off at a slow pace then rapidly continued.

"Try not to make a sound" he whispered, as I leaned my head back feeling my climax take over, he continued to plunge me as my juices spilled all over his hand. I closed my eyes wanting to ride out my feeling of euphoria but was swiftly interrupted. "Hey, we're here" Carlos let out laughing as he watched me squirm. Whatever thoughts I had about Carlos before were completely wiped, it was pretty clear he wasn't vanilla. "Before I forget , here" he smiled before handing me my underwear. I quickly kissed him before throwing on my underwear.

We walked into the party hand in hand and for the first time in 2 weeks I had completely forgotten about Nico. I was happy. So happy that I didn't notice Nico watching me from the corner of the living room, I sat on Carlos lap chatting to cami and Victorio all my attention was directed towards Carlos I stared at him whilst he spoke to Victorio, analysing his facial features, I'm not sure if it's lust or me actually liking him but something clicked that night , and bought us closer.

Nico POV
I don't know why I got so mad. I don't even like her.
Seeing that smug look on his face, while she was sat on his lap. She didn't look at me once. I shouldn't care, I don't care. It's Carlos, I bet he's said something to her about me. That's why I did it.

Jules POV

The whole night I spent sat on Carlos' lap, a drink in one hand the other tucked around his neck. After a short while of socialising I got up to refill my drink. As I made my way over to the table I was greeted by an annoyed Nico. The plan was to ignore him, which I would have succeeded if he didn't spill his drink over my top. " what the fuck is wrong of you" I yelled over the music loud of us for only the both of us to hear. "Oops, I didn't see you there" he smirked, "hey I haven't se " I barged past him without letting him finish his sentence.  I made my way over to the bathroom to clean myself up when I heard shouting from the living room.

"What the fuck Nico" screamed Cami struggling to hold her brother back as he launched towards Carlos. Carlos dodged the punch and retorted with a punch to his jaw, Nico's lip split blood tricking down his chin as he pushed Cami away, hitting Carlos in the face. Victorio and Brando quickly jumped up to
hold them back taking both boys to different sides of the house. I walked over to Cami hoping to get some clarity on the situation.

"Nico just walked over to Carlos arguing i don't even know what about, I guess he's just drunk" she replied. " yeah he's probably just had too much to drink, I'm gonna go check on Carlos" I left her there and made my way outside to see a bloody Carlos , a scar on his eyebrow, it's probably the wrong time to say but he looked so hot.

"Hey, erm are you okay" I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck, he snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him, "yeah I'm fine" he replied , resting his hand on my cheek, I flushed red. "He just came over, couldn't hear what he was saying his words were slurred, but he kept mentioning Jules, I think he just asked where you was" a slight panic came over me but quickly vanished " He tried to swing for me so I just put him in his place" he smirked. "Well, when your ready we can leave" he said shuffling around his pockets for his keys. " we can go now , I don't mind" I replied.

The ride home was quiet, not awkward quiet, just peaceful, we glanced at each other every now and then but didn't say a word. That night I learned two things. 1, Carlos is not vanilla, 2, I think I really like Carlos. He pulled into my driveway and parked in front of the door. Before getting out I pulled him in for a kiss, long and passionate.

Nico POV

"Brando, just leave me alone" " I can't leave you alone you just swung on one of your best friends, for no reason?" he yelled at me. I don't know why I punched Carlos , I can hardly remember what I said to him before, all I could think about was Jules on his lap and it was enough to get me riled up. I didn't even like her, but somehow I felt possessive over her.

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