chapter 3 - changing rooms

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The next 2 weeks were fine, Cami and I made up and I had managed to get her and Chiara on speaking terms again. Since the party I hadn't spoken to Niccolo nor did I want to. I did everything I did to avoid him. He got back together with Virginia, roaming the halls, and skipping class to fuck her. I shouldn't care but I did either way it made me grow hate towards him. Ever since that night my whole perspective of him changed. he was way meaner than I thought. During the two week period I was successful staying away from Nico until now.

After school we had track so Cami and I made our to the changing rooms. Cami quickly got changed and heded out whilst I on the on the other hand took my time flicking through the contents of my bag. I didn't even realise that all the girls had left the room. I got changed and put my hair into a ponytail. Before leaving i scanned my phone, when I felt hands snake around my waist. My first instinct was to pull away until the person bit my lobe and whispered "hey princess" softly in my ear. There was only one person that called me princess. Nico. instantly i pushed him off me heading for the door to field. He held his arm up against the door to block me passing through. "Can you please just leave me alone" I huffed crossing my arms in a fit of anger. "why you haven't spoken to me in two weeks" he spoke bending down to reach my level.  I grabbed his neck and pulled him towards me, he smirked as i leaned into his ear. i laughed seductively and spat out " because I don't want to" with that I pushed him back into a locker and made my way to the field as door shut behind me i could hear him chuckling. As i walked to the field I couldn't help but smile, but that was quickly replaced with a frown as Nico, Carlos and Virginia sat on the bleachers. Carlos sat next to Nico as Virgina perched on his lap. I threw Nico a dirty look as he peppered soft kisses down Virginia's neck. I took my place on the track and began to run. As I ran nthing else mattered in the moment. I felt carefree as the wind hit my face.

After practice Cami and I went over to her house. I insited that she come to mine as I had no intention of seeing Nico, but she made it clear that she wanted me to come to hers. Once we arrived I listened for any signs of Virginia and Nico ;however, no sounds were heard. I let out a sigh of relief and slumped down onto their sofa. As we watched a movie I could feel eyes burning into my cheek. I turned to see Cami staring intensely at me. "what" I started "oh nothing just I know someting you don't." she smirked. " should I be worried" she got up excited and threw her arms around me. " Carlos wants you to go on a date with him" she shrieked. "really, he didn't even ask me" I laughed. "well technically he didn't but he asked me to ask you because he's too afraid to ask" she smiled. I smiled to myself.  Carlos was hot, but he was the least person I expected to ever ask me out. "yes I'll go" I replied Cami swiftly took out her phone and texted Carlo that i'll go.

"By the way it's a double date" she chimed. "with who" I questioned she bit her lip and let out "Nico and Virginia, isn't that cute. my heart dropped I had to go on a double date with Nico and watch him and Virginia flirt with each other all night. I stoood up and headed for the door. "where are you going" Cami questioned standing up from her place on the couch. " My mum texted me she wants me home for dinner." with that I left quickly. I waited for a taxi outside the gate, when I heard  a familiar voice. " Jules" the voice spoke softly almost a whisper. I didn't turn around because the last thing I wanted to do converse with him. He grabbed my wrist and spun me so I was facing him. " could just leave me alone please" I pleaded, anger coursing through my veins, he looked at me up and down smirked and let go aggresively. "fine, whatever I don't know why I bothered speaking to you anyways." he replied in harsh tone. With that I waved my middle finger in his face and got into my taxi. he opened the door and whispered "see you on our date" and winked before slamming the door shut again. Now more than ever I was dreading going on the date.

A/n comment some things you think will happen on the date. :)

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