Chapter 10 - Chiara

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Jules POV

I was mad at myself. Mad because I let him kiss me. Mad because he kissed me. Mad because I fear I liked the fact that he kissed me. I couldn't look Carlos in the eye and lie to him, I also couldn't tell him, I was conflicted. I needed someone to confide in, It couldn't be Cami she had made it quite clear she doesn't want anyone being involved romantically with her brother and I wasn't trying to be the next Ciara. Ciara. I felt bad for her ,her friendship with Cami ruined over a preschool pact. At least she has Ludovica, I barely speak to them and even I can feel how close they are. Ludovica seemed carefree and non-judging, if I ever spoke to her in the presence of Cami I would be dead , but I never fail to give her and Ciara an occasional smile and wave. Ciara would be the perfect person to talk to about my problems, I mean she has been in this position before...

Nico's POV

Never in a million years did I think Jules would react like that. I mean all females like when men lead the way and assert dominance right ? I just wanted to prove to her that I liked her even if it meant hurting one of my best friends. Carlos can't be that serious about Jules anyways. They've only been dating for a few weeks so breaking them up won't be a problem. It was clear what I had to do. I had to make Carlos break up with Jules it's the only way to keep him from being mad about me. I had been so consumed by my thoughts I didn't realise that I hadn't received a single message and it's been 5 hours. That was strange. After 30 minutes Virginia would have called to say she's home and Brando would have messaged. What if Jules told Carlos already ? What if everyone knows and they now hate me ? no she wouldn't do that she knows what it would do to Carlos and I's friendship, I decided to shake it off and go to bed.

Jules POV

I was still pondering what to do.  Speaking to Chiara could cost me my friendship with Cami but if it would mean not carrying this burden of guilt I was willing to do anything. I picked up the phone and swiftly entered her number into my phone, I took a deep breath before pressing the call button. The phone rang for about 7 seconds before she picked up, she sounded surprised in a good way, and listened carefully to my problems.

"So now I don't know what to do" I finished, " You have to stay away from Nico, and you have to tell Carlos, you already seem like you hate him already so that shouldn't be a problem" she answered. I've only been friends with Chiara for an hour and already I can tell her everything I couldn't tell Cami, everything about Chiara just seemed right. I mean she's extremely beautiful and still super nice even knowing I'm associated with Cami. " I don't know if I should tell Carlos, it's going to ruin Nico's and his friendship" I spat, telling Carlos could also ruin our relationship too I especially after the last incident with Nico. "Yeah I get that, I still think you should tell him though, you never know he may never react" she returned. I was half way through rejecting her suggestion when she interrupted " Hey tell me how it goes on tomorrow I have to go and erm -" she paused to think of a response " wash the dishes". I knew it was a lie but wasn't keen to push up on her to tell me the truth besides we were not considered exactly friends yet, although it did make me wonder what secret she could be keeping...

Nico's POV
I woke up the next morning expecting to find dozens of messages from the group chat and Virginia, I only found one from Cami telling me she's left for school without me, so I was going to have to get a taxi. I wasn't too keen on going school today but to act like nothing happened I had too. A part of me hoped that Jules told Carlos, maybe she felt the same way and broke up with him, whilst a part of me hoped she didn't tell Carlos, everyone in the group would hate me including Cami. I shook away my thoughts and headed for the shower.

Jules POV
It was past 8:20 and I still hadn't got a "good morning" text from Carlos or if he was picking me up for school text. Maybe he wasn't coming in today. But he would have told me if he wasn't coming in today. That's when panic set in. I felt my hands begin to shake and became suddenly flustered. Carlos doesn't know does he? There's no way Nico would have told him, he knows what it would do to their friendship , and there's no way Chiara told him, they don't even speak, and there's no way I told him, I would know if I did so. I swiftly opened the door of my car and sat quickly in the drivers seat? My bag perched on the passengers. I wrapped my hands around the wheel, started the engine and began to drive. There's no way Carlos knows, maybe he overslept and isn't up for school yet, maybe he's mad at another reason, maybe.. I tried to think of a hundred excuses in my head for why Carlos hasn't called or messaged me yet. I tried to convince myself I was overreacting, but deep down I knew he knows and I knew I couldn't brace myself for what's to come next.

I pulled into the school parking lot and searched around for Carlos car, I spotted it parked at the far right. I took one last deep breath and walked up the stairs into school. I spotted the group near the lockers, Carlos nowhere to be found. "Hey Cami" I started fingers crossed for hood reception, "hey, I didn't hear from you last night, are you okay you left in a rush after school" she answered. I was so relieved she didn't know and hoped Carlos didn't. "Do you know where Carlos is", " he's in the boys locker room, Brando poured his drink down he's shirt so he went to change", "thanks" I replied and plastered a fake smile to cover my look of worry.

I pushed open the locker room door to be greeted with a really pissed off Carlos. " hi" was the only word I spoke. He remained silent for a second before looking up , drinking in the sight of me before responding " I didn't hear from you yesterday" , "well I didn't hear from you as well, I thought you were picking me up this morning"he paused for a second and dropped the shirt he was attempting to button up. " I was going to but I got a very important call" he started. He took three steps and came face to face with me bending down till we were at the same eye level.

"Did Nico kiss you".

He asked . Did Nico kiss you, not did you kiss Nico, not did you and Nico kiss. My cheeks tinted a shade of red, my eyes began to water, I dug crescents into my palms trying not to cry. " Yes" he backed away from me returning his gaze to the marble wall behind me. " but you don't understand I pushed him away, slapped him, I don't like Nico, the only reason I didn't tell you yet is because I didn't want to wreck you and Nico's friendship, and don't for one second think I enjoyed any bit of that kiss, I hate myself for it and I'm really sorry." I babbled,tears streaming down my face. Unexpectedly he pulled me into a warm hug, his hand circling my cheek capturing any tears. " Niccolo and I's friendship is already ruined. and I believe you about him, he used two fingers to tilt my head upwards before planting a soft kiss to my tender lips. I was surprised with how Carlos was acting, I expected to be way angrier, break up and never speak to me again, but he seemed calm like it didn't affect him. "Stay here I'm going to be right back, this shirt is too tight I have to get a size up," I nodded kissed him once more before he left the locker room. I sat on one of the benches and pulled out my phone just as I was about to enter my password I heard loud chants from the hallway. "FIGHT, FIGHT FIGHT" I scurried out of the locker room and headed in the direction of the commotion. " who's fighting" I turned to a bystander, your boyfriend he laughed turning on his phone to record. I pushed my way through the crowds of students to see a bloodied Nico, Carlos on top punching the shit out of him. " I looked around and heard Camis screams" Brando and Vittorio struggling to pull Carlos off. I stood there silent a horrified look on my
plastered on my face.

What have I done.

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