Chapter 12: Wedding Preparations

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Shikamaru woke up that worming with the bright sun glaring into his room from the cracks in the curtains. He was planning to sleep in for a bit longer because of his late night thinking session when a voice rang out.


Troublesome woman.

With great reluctance, Shikamaru forced himself out of his warm bed and got ready for the day.

Slowly he made his way to the kitchen to where his mum was making breakfast. He entered the room and he felt three pairs of eyes on him.

" Good morning mum, dad." He said sitting down at the table. His dad raised an eyebrow at him. Wait, three pairs of eyes?

Shikamaru twisted his head around and there sat Ino, smiling at him.

"Good morning to you too Shikamaru".


"Sorry about that, didn't see you there". He apologised; it was never good to upset Ino. Many people were ruined by her when they got on her bad side. She was quite ruthless when she was mad and when it came to Shikamaru, she wouldn't hold back either.

Other than that, breakfast was quite peaceful.

"Time for shopping!" Ino happily yelled when they finished breakfast.

Shopping. What a drag.

Shikamaru tried to escape when he thought Ino wasn't looking when he saw his mum in front of him. Her eyes were glinting and he knew he was doomed.

What an amazing shinobi he was. Easily beaten by his mum and childhood friend.

Troublesome woman.

He could already tell it was going to be a troublesome day.

It has already been 6 hours and they were still shopping. Shikamaru had to hold onto everything and make trips home when there were too much things in his hands. All around him, he could feel several sets of eyes on him and he could see several people with expressions of sympathy directed at him.

Shikamaru was tired and stressed and fed up of shopping. However, Inoand Yoshino were the opposite.

"Shikamaru, come try this!"

"Shikamaru, come carry these! "


He was tired.

He wasn't even allowed to meet Naruto because it was bad luck and he had no missions to do. Choji had other business to attend to so he had nothing much to so apart from continuing making that gift to Naruto.

He wanted to sleep.

" Shikamaru, come over here!"

What a drag.

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