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Chapter four|third

Hands wrap around imani she stirr up in her sleep she never sleep so comfortable.
She forces her eyes open and take a look around herself and blush it was the two man she had given herself too she still can't believe that she slept with two man her first time.

She slowly and gentle move out of their arms and gather her clothes around the floor and make way out of the club.

She curse under her breath looking at her watch she was late very late.

She enter her apartment and straight to the the bathroom.

She took a shower and and hurried clothes on.

"Good morning Imani" Kelsy ask running after her. "I'm so late" imani respond. "Yes you have missed two meetings" Kelsy informed. "Oh fuck" she sigh. "But not to worry I filled in for you" Kelsy answer giving her both files from the meeting. "Kelsy your an angel you know that right" imani grinn. "Yes you always tell me" Kelsy grin also.

"You always save my ass, now I'm going to get going on with these" imani makes her way up to her office.

She runs hands in her hair catching her breath as she finish the contract.

The events of last night flashes on her mind making her blush like crazy. "They were so perfect and gentle yet rough" she whispered to herself blushing like an fan-girl.

Their rock hard abs chest broad full lips and long dicks they're a full package, imani had to stop thinking or she'll die.

Meanwhile| at the hotel

Alessandro was the first one to wake no
He slid his hands to his side it was empty he frown at the emptyness.

"Princess where are you" he groan. "Princess?" He called again. This time Angelo woke up. "Where is she" he ask. "She left" Alessandro ask irritatedly.

"I can't fucking believe it she was a virgin" He grins Making Angelo grin also not ever in their lifetime have they been with a virgin they weren't use to innocents like her, which led them to believe that all woman were whores.

"Imani johnson uh" Angelo says running his nose along the pillow she rested. "She's so perfect we have to find her" Alessandro says.

"I agree brother" Angelo respond.


They sat in the office impatient irritated by the minute their Private investigator was taking too much time to come with results for them.

"S-sir I have the information you ask" the man shakily place the file on the desk, Angelo place the document he was reading down.

"Thank you" Alessandro respond.

It says:
Imani johnson
CEO and founder of sexy ladies lingerie and skincare.

Parents unknown.

Education university xxx
Number xxx

The brothers smile. "Our princess were coming for you and you'll get punish" They grinned.


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