Chapter 5

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Me and Stephen returned home silently. None of us knew what to say. I approached the house and saw John was home. His vehicle was there.

"I've got to go back inside now, John's home." I said quietly.

"You can't go back inside!" Stephen said, shocked that I would even think I could.

"I have to!" I said.

"It's too dangerous!"

"I have to!" I repeated.

"No! You don't! You can't go back in there!"

I looked at him, he was looking at me as if he was begging for me to not go in.

"I'm sorry..." I said quietly before heading in. He stared at me as I entered the house.

"Dorothea! Where were you?" John asks me.

"I just went for a walk..." I said timidly.

"Yeah, I know about your daily walks or whatever but why were you with the servant!"

" mean Stephen?" I ask.

"I don't know his name! And I don't care! Why were you out with the staff???" John yelled.

"I...I... he's my friend...." I mumbled.


"I don't see what the big deal is..."

"The big deal is that I don't want my wife to be seen parading around town with a servant! I earned hard money to give you this life! Appreciate it!"

"I'm sorry but I don't see what class has to do with this..."

Suddenly, John struck me across the face. I fell on the carpet.

"Maybe I slapped some sense into you." He hisses before storming off. I softly cry onto the carpet. After a few minutes I head to the library and go into my secret spot. I crawl through it until I get to the other entrance, behind the stables. I open the trapdoor slightly and see Stephen sitting on the bench near me writing in a notebook and looking stressed out.

"Stephen?" I ask in a tiny voice. He looks up around the garden but doesn't see me.

"Dorothea?" He asks.

"Down here..."

He looks straight at me.

"Oh my god! What are you doing in there?" He asks as he stands up.

"I'm in my secret spot. Do you want to come inside?" I ask.

He thinks for a second.

"Sure.." he finally says.

I move so he can climb through. I lead the way as he crawls behind me and soon enough, we're in my spot.

"I go here whenever I'm hiding from John. It gives me time to think and...well I feel safe.." I say.

"Why didn't you tell anyone about John?" Stephen asks.

"...oh... we're going to talk about THAT.."

"We can't ignore it forever.."


"So why don't you tell anyone?" Stephen repeated.

"Well, no one would believe me if I told them..."

"I believe you..."

"And also...I deserve it..."

"What? No one deserves it!" Stephen says surprised.

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