Chapter 8

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2 months after, Dorothea and Stephen were still together and happy. There had been no major incidents with John.

"Hey, let's go horseback-riding." Stephen said.

"Okay.. but you have to teach me."

"Of course I will.." he replies.

I get ready and Stephen helps me up to the horse. He lifts me up by my waist. I'm riding Meredith and he's riding Benjamin. I smile as I look back at him.

"Okay, so you have to grab this little rope thing..right over there...yep... and then that's where you control the horse. You pull it to stop her. Lightly kick her when your ready to go. I'll be with you the whole time though." He says.

"I trust you. I never thought I'd be able to say that again but I think I might trust you.."

He smiles and leans over to kiss me on the forehead.

"Let's go.." he says. I follow him as he slowly moves his horse into the woods. The horses are pretty nice and they are making me feel like this isn't that scary.

Soon enough, we get out of the woods and suddenly I'm in a beautiful sunflower field. Stephen helps me down and I sigh at the beautiful sight.

"Let's watch the sunset from here.." he whispered. He grabbed a picnic blanket that he was apparently secretly keeping with him and laid it down. We sat on it and smiled. He put his arm around me for the first time. I never thought I'd feel this way. I look up at him and smile. He smiles back. I put my head on his shoulder as I watch the sunset.

Once the sunsets, we decided to go back home since John would be there soon. Stephen helps me get on the horse and we both ride back to the house. Once we can see the house I stop.

"Stephen?" I ask.

"Yes?" He wonders as he stops his horse as well.

"I don't want to get caught so can we go back separately?"

"Of course!"

"Okay. I'll go first and then once you see me go inside then you come."


I get off the horse and grab the rope and lead her to the stables. I tie her up and I go inside. I look back at Stephen and smile. He smiles back.

"Dorothea!" John says as soon as I walk in. "I have some news."

"Uhm..okay what's the news..?" I ask timidly.

"I'm going on a business trip tomorrow morning for a day. Now, I know you will miss me but you can't come I'm sorry." John says.


"That's all? Just 'okay?' No 'please don't leave me I love you so much'?"



"I...felt that way I just didn't want to tell you because....I didn't want you to worry about me...?"

"Well, I had to tell you to say that. You selfish woman, if you really cared about me then you would say it without me telling you!" He booms.

"Yeah, well, if you cared about me maybe you wouldn't abuse me..." I mumbled.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" He yells.

There's no way to get out of it now...

"I said, maybe if YOU cared about ME you wouldn't ABUSE me!!!"

Suddenly, it was like the world was turning upside down. I felt him push me and soon enough I was on the ground. Then he kicked me three times hard and I cried for help. Then he stormed out of the room and left me on the ground. I cried, I couldn't help it. I clutched my legs where he kicked me and I went into fetal position. Este ran into the room after he left and held me like a mother.

" be okay. You very pretty and kind, he no deserve okay...I help you...." she said worriedly.

"Thank you Este.."

Este brought me to the library and got me some tea.

"You no deserve this Miss.." Este said somberly.

"Thank you Este."

She left me in the library to relax but I couldn't. I really was in danger. I crawled to my secret spot and I went through to the stables to find Stephen. I had to.

"Stephen?" I cried when I didn't see him. I looked around but he wasn't there.

"Stephen?" I repeated.

There was no response again. I started sobbing as I said his name over and over again. Suddenly I heard some footsteps.

"Dorothea?" He asked as he ran to the trapdoor.

"Stephen..." I said quietly.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked, tears welling up in his eyes.

"No..I'm not.." I cried.

He climbed into the secret spot with me.

We got to the couch and we sat down. I started to sob again. He held me tight as I let out my tears.

"What did he do this time?" Stephen whispered.

"He pushed me on the ground and kicked me until I was almost bleeding."

Stephen gasped and held me tighter.

"We've got to tell the police." He said.

"No...we...ow...we can't."


"John's leaving for a business trip tomorrow, by the time the cops come, he'll be gone."


I sniffled.

"Well, we'll basically have the house to ourselves for a day then.." Stephen said.


"We can relax, we don't have to sneak around..."


He held me and rocked me back and forth.

"By the morning, John won't be here. You can stay here... he won't notice."

"Do you want me to stay here?"

"Yes...please.. I can't face John again."

"Okay, I'll stay."

He did stay, all night, just cuddled with me and made me feel safe. That's all I ask for.

The next morning, Stephen woke up and first thing he kissed me awake. My eyes fluttered open. I smiled at him before going back to sleep.

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