Chapter 19

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Claire stepped outside, clutching Hermione's hand. She hadn't been able to find Arabella, and she was more than scared. She squinted into the distance, her eyes widening as she realized what was happening. Voldemort was walking towards them, his Death Eaters marching behind him. Claire's breath caught in her throat as she recognized the loveable half-giant Hagrid, walking behind them all with something in his arms

Not something. Someone.

She stumbled forward, Hermione's fingers slipping from her own.

"HARRY POTTER IS DEAD!" Voldemort announced. Multiple cries and shudders could be heard, but Claire's ears were ringing. Her eyes brimmed with tears as her vision went blurry. She whimpered as Hermione pulled her back, her own eyes filling with tears as well. Claire wanted to do something; yell, scream, shout. But her body felt sluggish as Voldemort started to have a conversation with Neville. Her head was completely empty of any thoughts as she struggled to breath properly.

She was numb.

Claire was pulled out of her state of shock as Harry stumbled from Hagrid's arms. A breath of relief filled her lungs as she gasped. But her joy was short lived as chaos broke through.

Death Eaters flew away as everyone else stumbled to get back into the castle. Claire was thrown off to the side, where she crumpled into a heap on the ground. A loud crash could be heard from above her, making her shoot her head up. She shrieked as her vision clouded with rubble raining down on her.

Claire drew in one last shaky breath before everything went black.


Harry ran through the Great Hall, searching for Claire. He had done it. It was all over. The only thing that was on his mind was finding his girlfriend.

As the green-eyed boy approached Hermione, his eyes widened in surprise as he took in the muscular boy beside her. Asterio sat next to Hermione, their hands intertwined. Harry cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Have any of you seen Claire?"

Both Asterio and Hermione shook their heads, starting to worry as well. Before Harry could speak again, loud cries were heard from outside. Harry felt his heart drop as he immediately recognized Oliver's cries. He ran towards the source of the noise, feeling his whole world explode at the sight in front of him.'

Oliver sat on the ground, a limp body in his arms. A group of burly wizards stood around him, looking down solemnly. Oliver's body shook in a wrack of sobs as he clutched the body closer.

"Claire," Harry said. His voice was nothing more than a whisper as he rushed forward, dropping down to the ground beside Oliver. Claire's lifeless body lay in front of him, covered in dust and bloody cuts.

"NO!" Asterio yelled, dropping onto the other side of Claire's body. He sobbed, his hand reaching out to take one of hers. Harry's lip trembled. Unlike Asterio, his emotions seemed to be stuck. Everything seemed to freeze as his eyes gazed at Claire's body. Silent tears rolled down his face as he took Claire's other hand. His eyes fluttered closed slowly, taking in a deep breath.

It seemed like hours that Harry sat there, clutching Claire's hand. In reality, it was only a couple of seconds before he felt something.

Claire's fingers twitched before squeezing Harry's hand. His eyes shot open and towards her face. Her head was cradled in Oliver's lap, and she seemed to be awakening.

She let out a slow, rattling breath as she gave Asterio's hand a squeeze. He gasped as his eyes moved to her face as well. Her eyes were still closed, but not for long. As her eyelids peeled open slowly, everyone let out a cry of relief, including Oliver's quidditch team, who had never met Claire.

Oliver wiped the tears from his face as he lifted her body back into his arms, standing up. He started on his way to Madam Pomfrey. Harry followed, as well as Asterio and Hermione.


Claire awoke from a deep sleep many hours later in a soft bed. She let out a sigh as her eyes fluttered open. Harry was sitting to her left, while Asterio and Hermione slept on her right. She smiled at the sight of the two at the right side of the bed.

"Arabella owes me five Galleons," Claire stated. Everyone jumped awake, looking towards her. Harry let out a heavy breath, scooting closer to her bed. He took her hand gingerly, placing a kiss on it.

"And why exactly, do I owe you five Galleons?" Arabella asked from the doorway. Claire grinned as her best friend made her way over to her.

Claire motioned to Asterio and Hermione, making Arabella groan.

"Mind elaborating?" Asterio asked, chuckling. Claire smirked as Arabella slapped the money into her hands.

"Arabella and I made a bet. I said you and Hermione would start dating, and she bet on you and Luna."

Harry burst into laughter, along with Asterio and Hermione. Arabella still had a sour look on her face from losing the bet, but started to laugh anyway.


Lol no Romione in this book 

Also this is the last chapter :( The epilogue will be up soon!

Stay cool, Anika<3

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