Meeting the others

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Well that dude seemed nice. That was good right? Dillion thought.

 "Dillion, Sanda, and Aaron please come to the training room, thank you." said a speaker in the wall somewhere.

Dillion took out his map they gave him looking for the training room. Second floor 23rd door. He walked out of the room hoping to find an elevator. Nope, no elevator in sight. There a lady with pure blonde hair stood, she looked like she could help.

He not so casually walked up to the girl. "Hi, do you know where the elevator is?"she turned so fast that her hair whacked him in the face.

"No, I was looking for the elevator." the girl said

"Where are you going?" Dillion asked

"I am going to the 2nd floor 23rd door." the girl answered

"Wait, aren't we on the 2nd floor?" Dillion looked at his mapping seeing if she was correct. She was.

"Yes, I think we are. Wait where are you going?" he answered

"23rd door too" then he remembered the girl with the pure blonde hair at Migraine Middle school.

"Wait. You're the girl from Migraine Middle school."

"And you're the boy with dirty blonde hair." After that sentence they walked and talked.

"It's weird that we just fell down when we saw each other."

"Well it is in the prophecy." Dillion stopped, for he had no idea of this prophecy.


"Well, yes. You know we are in a prophecy right?"

"No, I had no idea."

"Well... Look, we found the 23rd room!"

"Lets go."

They walked in hoping to find cool things like motorcycles and such but what they did find was very disappointing. It was a bunch of fancy men in suits. "Why are we here?" Sanda whispered in his ear. She was just as confused as him.

"I have no idea." they scanned the room. Their eyes landed on a boy with chocolate colored hair.

"I bet you three are wondering why you were called here." the boy with chocolate hair looked up.

"I only came because I thought there would be girls here." that totally ticked Sanda she ran at him like when I bull sees something moving. She jumped on to him with so much strength he almost toppled over. Almost. He did some moves where he took her hand and flipped her over. It almost kept her down; she rolled out of the way. Turning invisible she jumped on him, steered him the wall, knocking his head against the. In the place of where his head was knocked against was dent. The dudes were trying to break it up, they had no such luck.

The dude who looked most important looked at him with pleading eyes. He did the only thing that made sense he called some pythons to restrain them.

It did not really help, they stopped fighting, so they started to trash talk.

"That's what I mean not that ladylike. Huh?"

"At least I don't have that 'hair' on my head."

"Guys, stop-"

"It would look alot better than that lcy mop."

"At least I'm sensible." Before the boy with chocolate hair could make a comeback Dillion raised his voice hoping to get their attention.

"I can and will ask these pythons to squeeze you." Dillion turned his attention to Sanda. "Don't even think about turning invisible I'll call a greyhound to sniff you out." he turned to Aaron. "You might be strong but that doesn't mean they can't still squeeze you to the point where you can barely breathe." he turned to both of them. "Got it?" the nodded/strained. "Ok." he realised them from the pythons.

"Thank you for that Dillion." he nodded to Dillion. The two sat at the sits that were right next were Dillion was. "Ok I bet you all wondering why you are here." the two turned their attention to the boss instead of glaring at each other.

"not to see ladies!" Dillion was happy he asked a dove to fly above the heads. The dove flew around his head. Dillion looked at Sanda wondering what she was feeling. She was redder than his mom's tomatoes. He pointed out the man you said it, she looked ready to kick his sorry ass. Oh that piece of SHIT he is going to meet Mella and Swan. Thought Sanda, she was very mad. He has some nerve to say that. After this meeting she was going to corner him.

"We came here to talk about the...other side we have not decided on will go on our journey. But before we discuss that I have a different matter to attend to with all of you." he gave that a second to sink it. "I am aware that all of you have heard of Vidal, at least I hope some of you have heard of him and not flirting with girls right and left." he looked at the dude who said not to see ladies! "But he seems to have been taken away by one of the prophetess." he looked at all of us. Sanda spoke up to defend all of us.

"Well he clearly was innocent!"

"And how would you know?!"

"Well if any of you have read the pro-"

"Don't start with me!" some man said. "Have you ever read the prophecy?" Dillion had to stop this dude's rambling so he did the only reasonable thing. He asked one of the pythons that was still there to squeeze him. The man, thank god, stopped rambling. Sanda continued in defending her friend and frenime.

"So you have looked at the prophecy. Then let me ask you, have seen the end of the prophecy that said Due extra potere nascosto." Everyone looked at her in surprise.


"Translated that means two extra powers." Instead of surprise on their faces, shock was on their face. They looked at each other wondering what to make of this discovery. Well to the trio it was a simple thing to embrace, well they learned that they were part of some prophecy, so why shouldn't they believe her.

The boss was the first to recover. "Take the girl to the truth machine. We will see if she is telling the truth or not." everyone's gasps echoed in the hall, for they have not used the truth machine in 100 years. Two men heard this, the bodyguards of the boss. The men took sanda by the armpits and she turned invisible hoping they would lose her. Her plan worked so the boss turned to Dillion. "Dillion call some greyhounds to hunt her down." He did not want to betray his only friend so he said.

"No, she is my friend."

"You will regret your decision"

"I will not regret my decision."

"Guards take Dillion to the truth machine to see where his loyalties lie. Oh and for good measure take Aaron." you could see the shocked faces all over the hall. For had their leader gone rouge?



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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2021 ⏰

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