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All those dead bodies lying on the floor and there was my sister in the sea of bodies my sister, Leia, lyed. I heard some walking. I hid in the bushes hopping to not be seen. "Look at all the dead bodies."

"We should search the bodies." I moved ever so little, though they still heard.

"Did you hear that?"

"Yes, it came from the bush." They tiptoed to my bush, Opened the bushes, and knocked me on the head.


Where was I? I was in a cell. Footsteps. I pretended to be asleep, oh god I am dead I thought. "Come on, we are going to see the boss." I ruled over hoping they would think I was asleep, nope. "Come on!" I hauled myself out of bed.

Then they handcuffed me. Dragged me out of the cell and we are walking.

As I passed none of it was worth remembering. Then my eyes met sea green eyes. I don't know why but she turned on her heels, and ran away. I don't know why but I got a surge of strength, I then saw dirty blonde hair in front of the person who kept me locked up. I strained to hear. I met my goal.

"I'll take it from here."

"But I got strict orders to lead him to the boss."

"Then you don't know me." he leaned in not letting me hear him. The dude gave me a look that seemed to say be on your best behavior, for some reason I stood up straighter.

He led me up some stairs to some fancy... penthouse? "Make yourself comfy." he plopped on one of many couches and said "the second door to the left of yours."

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