Explaining and exploring

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Sanda was so excited she was going to Migraine middle school. Something was very off, she took a glance at her schedule not one but two things were off. One) she had take out her orange dye! second) all her classes were on the third she thought that this was odd. She did not want un-dye her hair, so she went to the main office. She did not want to un dye her hair because she is REALLY blonde like her hair is practically white plus all the stereotypes on blondies.

She marched down the hall to the main office and asked "can I see the principal?".

Sanda was so excited she was going to Migraine middle school. Something was very off, she took a glance at her schedule not one but two things were off. One) she had take out her orange dye! second) all her classes were on the third she thought that this was odd. She did not want un-dye her hair, so she went to the main office. She did not want to un dye her hair because she is REALLY blonde like her hair is practically white plus all the stereotypes on blondies.

She marched down the hall to the main office and asked "can I see the principal?".

The woman looked up and said"One moment." The woman walked over to a door marked "principal" knocked and someone behind said"Come in" her voice was sweet like... a grandma not a principal.

"Go,now!" the woman(not the principle)said Sanda stumbled in the office afraid of the woman(again not the principle).

"Hi, sweety, what can I do for you?" asked the principal. Sanda read the name card thing on her desk, it read Mrs.Shelly.

"Uhhh, I was wondering why my hair has to be dye free?" asked Sanda, a little scared.

"Ohhh," she said, finally looking at her hair. "Well honey, this is not a public school where you can have your any way you want. So you must have your hair natural." Suddenly Mrs.Shelly was not so kind anymore. "Use my undye solution. You can even use my bathroom!" After Sanda uses the bathroom she looks in the mirror and standing in front of her is a girl with REALLY blonde hair. She walked out of the office, and no surprise people were staring. Then some boys came over, one had blonde hair, another one had black curly hair, and the last one he had chocolate brown hair, she felt like she had seen him before she snapped out of her daze when the blonde boy said "look what we have here, a new kid."

"OHHH. Look at her hair, it's white!!!" the black curly one said. I think he was happy to come up with that.

"You are right she is a big freak!" she didn't notice but the chocolate brown hair did not insult her, neither did his friends.

"I bet she has a weird name too. What is your name." he said the last words in a mocking voice.

"HEY, what are you doing?!" a boy came up with silver locks. Sanda thought that this made no sense, behind him a boy with dirty blonde hair. Suddenly she felt dizzy. She fell to the floor before this happened she saw that chocolate brown hair one and the boy with dirty blonde hair fell to the floor too.

Sanda woke up startled. She was on a cot she couldn't remember how she got there when she remembered the teasing and the falling she turned around to find... nothing, no one was in the imfermy the door creaked open, Sanda scrambled under the covers. A slender man with chiseled features came into the room "you do not need to pretend to be asleep." Sanda pulled off the covers, crossed her arms and pouted "haha you're even cuter when you're mad." Sanda was confused, did she just get complemented by the cutest guy she ever saw. Wait does she have a crush on a dude who is way cuter and older? Yes she thought I have a crush on I hope he doesn't know.

"Where am I?" Sanda asked

"You wiped out"

"What should I do now?"

"Well first I need to explain everything. And don't interrupt me" he said seeing that she was going to ask a question. "You were born in a government agency not in a hospital. We found out five years from your birth. That you could turn invisible. Then we had word from some of our field agents that their kids had super powers that is when we realized that the prophecy had been fulfilled. we knew we had to keep you three separated so we sent you and kevin into the cities and Dillion to the country everything was great until our enemies wanted you dead and the world dead so here we are." Sanda couldn't believe it people wanted her dead. Ringggg ringggg,something was ringing the dude took out his phone, answered it and talked.

"Yes." it was a couple of seconds before he said something again. "We are on our way." a second later "come on."

"Where are we going?" Sanda needed to now.

"Somewhere where you can learn to control your abilities." Sanda didn't want to learn to control her abilities; she wanted to fight! "And to ride a motorcycle." nevermind she wanted to go there now.

On the plane she saw wonders like mountains, lakes so big you couldn't see the end (the ocean), and much more. She wrote about everything she saw to the big gray animals and the tall mountains .What she wrote is what you see below.

The world is so beautiful you know. I had no idea there was so much to see! What I saw is in the list below.


A huge lake the dude said it was the ocean

Gray beast

Spotted cats

And more I don't have time to say.

The dude whose name is Kane I thought this name was weird so he told me that it means warrior. I asked him what Sanda ment and he said here he gave me something called a phone. I knew how it worked because 1) he taught me 2) I saw people working it. I set up an account on gmail I wanted to set up a account on facebook but he said 1) facebook is not safe 2) the bad guys could track her, here is my account on gmail Sanda I asked what does sanda mean he said look it up so I looked it up and it said the savior of mankind. So I looked up what does Aaron mean and it means mountain of strength I guess that makes sense, did you know that Dillon means like a lion that does not make sense. Oh we are here, the dude (I am going to keep on calling him that until he tells me his name.) said I will love it there.

When Sanda got there a massive weird blue, dome shaped building loomed over her. People were staring at her like she was a freak. This is when the dude pulled her from the prying eyes. But Sanda wouldn't allow him. "What are you doing?! Don't you want to get away from these people?" he whispered hissed

"I am not leaving until you tell me your name!" she thought his head would explode if she didn't go with him, but she held her ground. He finally gave in.

"Fine." he sighed. "My name is samuel jackson the third"

"What? I didn't hear that." Sanda said with an evil grin on her face.

"My name is Samuel Jackson the third." he said

"I am going to call you Samuel. So where are we going?"

"Follow me." she did as he said.

They walked through the front doors to the elevator. Samuel pressed 20 and up they went.

When they got there Samuel . Sanda saw the biggest house ever! "This is your room." Her pent house was unbelievable. When you walked in at first you saw the living room. In the living room you saw a beautiful white couch with marble looking pillows, on one side there was a TV that covered a whole wall. In the kitchen the counters had marble on top and wood captints. It had a bedroom in one room, with a queen bed, two end tables, and a huge wardrobe. In the second room there was a bathroom. It had a shower\bath, a huge sink, and a toilet of course. When she left the beautiful home.

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