"Kacchan...you are a good person"

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"Deku..." Bakugo's voice trembled softly.

"Y-yes kacchan...?" replied a startled Midoriya.

"I... I need you to tell me I'm a good person l. I know I can be selfish and narcissistic and self-destructive...but underneath all that I'm a good person and I need you to tell me that I'm good..."

(A/N: hehe lil Bojack Horseman reference 👀)

Midoriya was taken aback, he had never seen Bakugo so vulnerable.

Midoriya POV:

Kacchan looks so scared and unstable, like a fragile newborn.

He needs someone, now more than ever. But, am I really that person for him? Does he really need me...?

Even if it's not me, I still need to comfort him.

"Kacchan...you are a good person, you're such a good person. It was Kirishima who was bad, and I know it hurts to say that but it's true. I know you're hurting, you're hurting more than any of us, but we're also hurting too. We know you're scared, we're scared too so please come out. Don't lock yourself out from the world, so come out please. Come out and be with people who can relate to how you're feeling."

Everything I said was true, Kacchan is a good person. And it's true that we all know how he feels, not exactly how he feels though.

Kacchan trusted Kiri completely, it's only natural to feel this way after being betrayed by someone you trust.

[DISCONTINUED] The Traitor Where stories live. Discover now