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The 12th of October 2020

Emma's POV

Mollie and I are about an hour out from the PNC Arena in Raleigh, North Carolina. We're both dreading, yet anticipating the show. We both dread it knowing that it makes it one of the last times I'll get to spend with her for a while. We both plan to make the most of the shows and time we have together.

I've been helping her pack all of her things slowly ever since she told me she was moving. It's heart-wrenching knowing that she'll be across the country in a matter of days. I hope this week is unforgettable and I'm happy it will be one of our last memories until we meet again.

"Em," I glance over at Mollie and I can see the pain in her eyes. "So this is it? We have these two shows and then I'm gone. I mean I have a day and a half, but that's going to be full of school work, shipping our stuff to Seattle, and transfer papers. It came too fast and I just want these next few days to go by as slow as possible," she rambles. I can hear the disbelief in her tone and I take her hand in mine to comfort her.

"Hey, don't think like that. Yeah, the next week is going to be a rollercoaster, but we're going to make the best of it okay? You are not going to sulk around while we're at the shows. We're going to be complete dumbasses and make the most of it. And, don't expect to leave on Friday without it ending with me in tears while you drive off. Okay?" she laughs a little at my last statement.

"Okay," she says squeezing my hand before letting go. When we finally pull into the car park we get out and stretch. We put on our ID passes and head towards the back entrance.

We can hear the fans out front screaming with excitement and I can't help but smile. When we arrive at the back door we show our passes to the security and we head inside. "The dressing room is down the hall and to the left, his name is on the door," one of the guards informed us. I nod in acknowledgment and head that way. Well, more like sprint, but that's beside the point.

I abruptly stop in front of his dressing room and Mollie runs into me. "Ouch, Em, a warning would've been nice," she complains. I wave her off and knock on the door loudly.

"You better be decent!" I call through the door. I hear the couple's familiar laughter and then the door is opening. I jump into Harry's arms and we embrace each other tightly. The impact made him stumble back into the room a bit, but he stayed balanced.

I bury my head in the crook of his neck and whisper, "I missed you Haz." He kisses the top of my head and puts me down.

"I missed you too baby girl," he returns before taking Mollie into a hug to greet her. I take this time to greet Louis.

"Loueh!" I call as I jump onto his back. He was organizing the vanity so it was easier to find things.

"Hey Em, how've been?" he asks situating me into a more comfortable position on his back.

"I've been okay I guess. I mean I'm not terrible so that's all that counts," I respond. It's true, I've been pretty distant lately and everything has been stressing me out, but I'm doing better than I could be.

"As long as you're at least okay," he assures before putting me down onto my own two feet. "Have you lot eaten anything yet?" he adds. I shake my head and he grabs his phone and wallet as he leads me to the door. "Come on you two, we're getting dinner," he announces before heading towards the door. Harry doesn't question it and follows Mollie out of the room.

We pile into a black SUV and we're driven to a restaurant close by. The driver calls ahead and we pull up to the back entrance for more privacy. Lou knocks on the door and someone in uniform lets us in. We're led to a private table near the back of the restaurant that's blocked from sight by a wall. We take our seats and we are handed menus. We all order water for our drinks and we look through our menus. I looked at the prices and my eyes widened a bit. It wasn't too expensive but still. Mollie seemed to have been thinking the same thing because Harry speeks up.

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