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The 23rd of December, 2026

Emma's POV

"Auntie Emmie is here!" is heard on repeat beyond the familiar oak door of my brother's home. I knock twice before letting myself in and setting my stuff down by the door. I hear the pitter-patter of little feet and before I know it, Darcy is dashing around the corner and into my arms.

Harry and Louis were approved and chosen to adopt little Darcy just as we had expected. Darcy is the baby they were waiting to see if the mother would choose them for the adoption. None of us doubted for a second that she'd choose them to raise her daughter. We don't know what happened to her, and it's a closed adoption, but we're very thankful. She gave our family our little ball of sunshine. Harry and Louis love her more than anything in this world and she fits right into the family. She has curly brown hair and blue eyes with freckles dusting her face. She looks so much like her dads, that people passing on the street get confused about how she can look so much like both of them.

 "Happy Christmas!" she exclaims with the biggest smile I've ever seen. I spin her around which causes an eruption of giggles to escape from her little lips. I give her a dramatic kiss on the cheek resulting in more giggles. 

"Happy Christmas, darling. It's not quite Christmas yet, why don't we save that till then. Have you been driving your dads crazy?" I greet with my higher, soft voice that is reserved for children. 

"Of course not," she assures with a guilty smile, revealing her missing tooth. She must remember her tooth and she smiles wider with wide eyes. "Oh! I lost a tooth, see?" she says while leaning in closer to my face. I exaggeratedly peer at her teeth and then widen my eyes. 

"Ya don't say! You're practically a grown woman now!" I exclaim and she nods proudly with her arms crossed on her chest. 

"I'm a big girl now, and I got two pounds!" She informs and shakes my shoulders in excitement. 

"Two whole pounds? Wow, the tooth fairy must like you. I remember only getting one pound growing up," I play along and her jaw drops, and her eyes sparkle.

"The tooth fairy likes me?" she asks with wondering eyes. 

"Of course they do! Who wouldn't like an adorable little girl like you? But don't go telling people that, they might get jealous," I assure her with a semi-serious face. She gasps and nods while making a motion saying her lips are sealed. The sound of the door behind me perks her attention and she squirms out of my grip when she sees who it is. 

"Auntie Taylor!" and that's how my fiance is tripped to the floor by the arms of a five-year-old. 

"Hello darling, how are you?" she asks while slightly tickling the giddy child's sides. 

"I'm good," she chimes with a thumbs up. She climbs off of her and races away in the direction of the kitchen. I help Taylor up and she has a big smile on her face. 

"I love coming here," she declares before helping me take our stuff up to my old room. Opening the door causes memories to rush through my head, both good and bad. With my job, there's not much time to take trips, so during the holidays or for someone's birthday we stay here for a few days. Yeah, we live less than twenty minutes away, but it's nice being in the same house for a while. So, we come to visit every chance we can, and when we do, walking in here has the same effect every time. I remember the first time I ever came here and everything that happened in those first few days. I remember writing a song with Harry and Louis during my first summer here. We sat and shot lyric ideas back and forth before taking them down to the studio. Then there was the time when Taylor stayed the night for the first time...and all the times after that. I won't go into too many details there. 

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