Challenge 3: Baking

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After commercial break we were back in business. "Hello again I am Arin". "And I am Soobin". "So now that we are in challenge 3, Soobin please explain what challenge 3 is". Arin asked Soobin. "Ok Arin. Sometimes people want a little snack with their beverages. 

So let's bake some snacks. Arin please continue". "Since it will take a long time to bake the snacks, there are already pre-made snacks. But you will have to bake your own snack to serve to the judges. If the judges like your drink you will get +10". "Arin should we countdown together again". Then they started to countdown for the last time. Then we started.

Seungmin POV

I was paying close attention this time. Ever since the incident happened a while ago, I am not letting that happen again. But then when Jimin's team was serving the snacks, I saw something green? But none of the snacks are colored green.

 It was so sus. But then Chan called me. "Seungmin are you ok?" "Hyung I saw something colored green. Jimin was giving something to the customers". That's when I realised it was money. She was paying the customers so that it can go by faster. I immediately told everyone about this.

Jeongin POV

So Jimin is cheating huh? I will try to find a way to expose her ass. We were planning. We can't interrupt it now but maybe after the competition.


We were only halfway but Jimin is already done? Wait WHAT. Her team is done. Those were 70 people. What the heck. "Well since Seoul cafe team served all people they get 70 points and 35 points to (Cafe name)". Well great we will loose even if the judges like our snacks. 

~Time skip~  

We did win the judges over but we did not win. Why? Cause we only have 45 points and they have 70. I guess she did win the title of idol's cafe. I saw the trophy saying that it is the best cafe and idol's cafe. I was looking down.

 I guess the hard work did not pay off. "Hey Y/N, on the bright side we still have each other". Lia said. I looked up with a genuine smile and nodded. Then we all hugged. We looked at them giving the trophy to Seoul cafe but then. "STOP". 

I heard Jeongin shout. Jeongin and his hyungs went running to the stage. They showed footage and pictures of Jimin cheating. "Everybody Seoul cafe cheated". Everybody became shocked.

Jeongin POV


Our plan was to collect as much evidences as we can. Seungmin, Felix, and Jisung are incharge of video evidence. Minho, Chan, and Hyunjin were in charge of photo evidence. And I was watching closely. Well atleast Y/N will win.

 I was smiling at the thought of Y/N being very happy. But then I got interrupted. "Jeongin-ah they are about to end, are you ready to expose their asses?" Minho said. "I am ready". I said with confidence.


When I saw the evidence my eyeballs were so wide open. "Well I think we know the real winner now". Arin and Soobin said. They got the trophy and gave it to us. "How can you believe them!?". Jimin said. "Guards pleas take the cheaters out". 

One of the judges said. Then they took Jimin's team out. "I will get you back one day!!!" Jimin shouted. "Well the real idol's cafe and best cafe goes to (cafe name)!" Arin and Soobin said. We were all celebrating and we thanked Stray kids. 

I hugged Jeongin and I cried. But those tears weren't sad they were tears of joy. We were all celebrating. Everyone was celebrating. And it ended oof to Soobin and Arin performing to dolphin.  

Cafe: Yang Jeongin/I.N imagine ffWhere stories live. Discover now