[S4] Ninja Roll

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Italics= (Y/n)/Reader's thoughts


Chen had announced it was the Master of Amber versus the Master of Sound this morning and everyone was making their way to the fight. Unfortunately it was raining, and I really hate being wet. Before I left the cafeteria I summoned a crystal in the shape of a large shield and floated it over my head with my powers. A makeshift umbrella you could say. I started walking when someone called my name. I turned around and saw Lloyd had run up to me. "Mind if i walk with you?" Lloyd asked, rubbing the back of his neck. I smiled and moved over a bit to give him room under my crystal shield. "Smart use of your power. You are pretty clever when it comes down to how you use it." Lloyd states as we walk. "Thanks," I say. 

"Not too talkative today?" he asked with a smirk. I chuckled. "Yeah, didn't exactly get a lot of sleep last night, and the rain isn't really helping right now," I state as we reach the entrance to the building. I open the door for Lloyd and follow him in. I snap my fingers and the shield I used for an umbrella turns into bits, then tiny sparkles, then nothing. We make our way to the balcony overseeing the room where the battle will take place. Jay and Garmadon are already there and wave us over. Lloyd sits next to his father and I sit next to him. The other Elemental Masters started to pile in but I wasn't noticing. I was dozing in and out of sleep. Lloyd seemed to see this and put his hand on my shoulder. I flinched and woke me up from dozing off again and looked into beautiful green eyes. "If you want you can sleep on me during the fight," Lloyd asked, concerned. I send him a smile. Why is he so nice to me? "Are you sure? I don't want to bother you," I say groggily. He smiles and grabs my far shoulder gently forcing me to lay on his shoulder. "Thanks," I mumble before I start to doze off again.

I was sleeping soundly on the Green Ninja for a while until Kai woke me up yelling, "Skylor's fighting!?" My eyes shot open upon hearing that. I was alert and sat up looking around the room still groggy. Lloyd was rubbing my back and brought me back to reality. He then turned and gave Kai a glare. Kai held his hands up and said, "Sorry (Y/n) didn't mean to wake you." I shrugged. "It's fine. Has anyone won yet," I ask as I look down to the battle. The Master of Sound, Jacob I believe his name was, was trying to extinguish the fire on his banjo-thing. Probably Courtesy of Skylar, since me and the Ninja saw she had firepower for some reason. "Why were you screaming for Skylar again?" I ask Kai, still a bit groggy. "Indeed," Garmadon said, turning to Kai who was blushing a bit. Jay informed Garmadon, "He had a crush on her until he found out they might be related." "Her element isn't Fire," Garmadon stated. "She's the Master of Amber, power of absorption. She can emulate the power of anyone she's touched." Kai then got all up in Garmadon's face, super excited. "You're telling me we're not related?!" he says excitedly, shouting at the end. "Too loud," I groan, covering my ears. Neither Kai nor Skylor got the memo as she sent a high-pitched blast of sound and Jacob, smashing a vase. Uhh Kai and her are made for each other.

Jacob flipped out of the way of her attack and grabbed blow darts from the vase Skylor just destroyed. He blew a few shots at her but she cartwheeled away against the paper wall. JAcob shot the wall, causing the sound of the rain and wind from outside to be heard a bit on the inside. This confused Jacob, since he was apparently blind allowing Skylor to sneak by him and smash the one vase not destroyed. A Jade Blade flew out and she caught it, causing the other Elemental Masters watching to cheer. "Yes! Go Skylor!" Kai cheered. "Winner!" Chen shouted. Can no one be quiet today? "And loser," Chen says before activating a trapdoor underneath Jacob.

Chen then began to talk to the Elemental Masters spectating. "I hope the Tournament of Elements has entertained you as much as it has me. To thank you, I wanted to give everyone fancy jewels and untold shiny things." He pulls out a plate of such things causing everyone to get excited. Not me though. If I wanted jewels and gems I could summon them with my power, so treasure didn't really matter to me. Chen's tone turned sour though as he continued speaking. "But then in yesterday's battle, Master Jay and Cole tried to undermine me by teaming up and refusing to fight each other. And that made me very upset." Chen then throws the plate of gold and gems away from the dramatic effect and continues. "For their insubordination, all your fancy quarters will be taken away, and tonight everyone will sleep together in the Chow House." Chen states as he smashes a jewel in his hand. "That is all. Thank you, you can go."

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