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I've forgotten the timeline I made for this story in my head so you'll have to go with whatever I write—lol this chap's gonna be another flashback btw

You, being 15 with a lot of hormones, decided that today was the day. The day that may turn your world upside down, or fill it with light and flowery stuff--love, basically.

That's right.

You were going to wear something revealing and see whether Erza reacts or not. This'll be a very risky move coming from you, seeing that your 'style' of picking girls up (that's right, you player, you've had a knack for flirting with the hotties) was subtlety, and whole lot of it, but it'll be worth it once you see Erza's face flushed with her own hair colour, a passionate red with a hint of zepel bolshoi persimmon (fancy).

Wearing a black translucent top that exposed some of your back, you tended the bar of the Fairy Tail guild intently, using the limited experience you had back then to guide you. Some of your customers greeted you quite feverishly, eying your easily seen bra (or torso, for the people who don't wear bras) under your top with obvious... exhilaration. To some, to their surprise, you responded, but abruptly ended your exchange as soon as you saw Erza looking your way. You knew what you were aiming for, and didn't want to get their hopes up. They were lucky you decided to speak to them anyway.

It took some time before the red-head finally decided to sit on the counter, exactly where you were standing. Sitting down with a huff, she put down what she was holding and straight up stares at you

"Never thought you'd wear this sorta thing Y/n." She says, resting her cheek onto her hand. "You look pretty good."

Your heart skipped a beat in an instant, you had always wanted her to say that. But you had to keep your cool--can't go skipping around some meadow now, you needed to be cool.

"Sometimes we just have to change ourselves up a bit." You cringed internally, avoiding Erza's stare. You could've said something better, holy shit that was horrid.

The mage's eyebrow raises questioningly before she shrugs, her armour clanking slightly from the small movement.

"Guess so."

Dammit, say something Y/n, you're supposed to be the one in control of the conversation--

"Are you trying out for S-class?" You hear Erza mumble, looking up from her seat, trying to make eye contact with you. You thanked the heavens and Erza for a decent conversation starter, a sigh of relief slipping through (your mouth crevice).

Smiling, you glance at the red-head as you dry a glass. "No, definitely not. I'd be going against Mira, she'd crush me."

Erza chuckles and you join her. "You're definitely strong enough though, I believe you'll beat her." Tilting her head, she intently waits for your answer. It felt like it was just you two sitting there, the crowd behind her slowly turning into a quiet buzz compared to the girl's beautiful voice, despite her only mumbling. "You've beaten me before, and I'm stronger than her."

"I don't remember beating you, Erza." You snorted, hiding yourself behind the cup you'd been drying for the past 5 minutes. "And you don't know whether she's stronger than you or not."

"Well you have! Remember that one time? We were completing this mission together and you easily bet me when we had to stop these ninjas from ambushing this person's house." Erza excitedly leans in, eyes sparkling as she explained how you did it. "I had to use my swords to impale them but you just ran with your hands stabbing them!"

"I used magic, Erza." You say with a deadpan.

"Well, you didn't have to use swords to handle a crowd of ninjas, didn't you?"

"I didn't beat you though, we can't be compared with our magic." You lean onto the counter with your elbows, inching closer to the red-head. Erza only smirks, leaning in even more.

"Well, that means you could just use your magic to knock Mirajane unconscious, then you've won?"

Rolling your eyes, you take a step back and wave her remark away, replying with a short "sure" and a snort before going back to drying cups and plates. Though, as you turned, you were reminded again of the box Erza seemed to be carrying around with her. You saw her look down at it with sincere affection, was it a gift for someone?

For you?

"What's the box for, Erza?" You say while side-eying it. The red-haired girl's eye's widen slightly, stiffening her posture back to her usually guarded and rigid self. You wondered whether you'd pushed a button of her's and decided to dismiss the subject, but Erza answered before you could.

"A gift."

"For whom?"

"Jellal." Your breath constricts.

"Is he still your boyfriend~?" You try to make light of the situation, but your heart couldn't help but feel heavy.

"No." Her face seemed to turn red, but you wished it was just a figment of your imagination. "He was just a friend."

"I see." Turning your back to the red-head, you tried to cover your disappointment spreading across your face.

Omg i updated early, sorry if there's any mistakes

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