Little Red 1

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Theme includes violence, mentions of rape, force and murder.

Read at your own risk.

Red Alert

Red twirled her long knives expertly in between her slim fingers. It was her last mission as an assassin and she knew after this she would be going to jail.

And she didn't mind. Actually that was the plan all along.

In there the real thrill will begin. The adrenaline she gets from hunting and killing in the city wasn't any good anymore.

Her hands twitch as she stalked her prey. She knew it was a trap and that their luring her in.

She was one of the heavy bountied criminals in the city. She was swift, fast and unidentified because she wore her mask and short red cape. She was codenamed 'Little Red'.

A wicked smile plastered on her flawless face, she will play their game but she will make sure her final kill will be worth it.

The game of chase was pretty boring for her, and twice she nearly lost her captors, that's how lousy they were.

After all her trouble to be caught, she was disappointed when she was arrested and placed in detention first and not straight into the high end jail!

She crack her neck in a circular motion her mind working for answers. A creepy smile appeared on her face at the idea popping in her little head.

So when the guards pushed her in the cell with two other guys she immediately took action, attacking those two guys, and when two guards interfered she pick a fight with them too.

Two battered criminals, one bleeding guard and one with broken ribs later, after she was finally detained under heavy security.

Now she was placed in a car traveling to the federal prison. A satisfied smirk was plastered on her face.

Ahhh life is good.


Wolf whistles greeted her as she
walked past cell after cell. She is in her dream place. Being the elusive killer that she is, even in here she was known. And she was not wearing her mask anymore, her exposed face was for the world to see.

Long red locks, Vibrant deep green eyes, freckles on creamy while skin, pink lips that every woman would die to have. Of course orange prison outfit can't hide her bountiful bossoms.

She was humming happily while walking with unhurried strides. She heard the guards talk about her cell mate intending to frighten her, only to highten her excitement.

She was after all the first girl to ever graced this prison. That is how dangerous they consider she was. When she was 16 her first prey was a molester dragging a minor in the alleyway. Ever since then she has killed about 22 rapist, 6 thieves, 10 sex traffickers, 3 local drug dealers, played with and bumped against two cartels. Of course she didn't include her actual targets in that count.

Those shady  police man, corrupt businessmen and rival politicians were work after all.

She tuned in casually to the the two not so discreet whispering guards.

The man was ex military who killed his lover for cheating on him and then the guy whom she cheated with and his friends. Then he came home and found his father beating his mother and poof killed him too. He also killed an officer that was hiting on his sister. They said he has serious mental issues. And hooray now his in jail.

Lucky me. I think e and I will get along well could be prison besties even. I've got my own issues as well.

Her insides flipped in eagerness as they neared her new home. She didn't care if the facility was shit. She'd been in shittier places than this.

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