02 - College

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Noah's alarm went off at 6:30am.

He groaned at the alarm going off.

"Turn it off!" Joey Ford, Noah's best friend and roommate in college, whined.

"Okay," Noah said, disoriented.

Noah turned off the alarm and got up. He picked out a pair of jeans and a t shirt. He grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste and went to the bathroom.

"Shit," he said, remembering he left his hairbrush in the dorm.

He brushed his teeth and changed in the bathroom stall before going back into the dorm to grab his backpack, containing his notebooks and laptops and headed out.

The university felt empty. It felt like no one was awake and heading to class.

Noah Evans is an 18 year old college student and actor. He has been acting since he was a kid and once he began his senior year of high school the previous school year, he decided he wanted to go to college. He didn't want to wait on getting a degree.

He wanted to focus on school and have a normal life. At least as normal of a life an actor like him can have.

Not only was he on a popular Disney show and Boy Meets World spin off, Girl Meets World, he also starred in Jurassic World, the sequel to the Jurassic Park movies, and Marvel's Spider - Man Homecoming. He is also the son of Frank Evans, Avengers star.

Noah has gotten used to being in the spotlight, whether because of himself or his father. Or his little sister, Rose, who also is an actor.

Noah went to Starbucks at the university village to get coffee as he headed to class.

He had a math class that morning. Why does he need to take a math class when he's an acting major.

He got to class and dropped his backpack at the table he always sat at.

Noah took out his phone and checked his text messages. A few of his friends living in the east coast had texted him

"Hey, Noah," Maya Ross, Noah's other best friend at college, greeted him.

"Hey," he looked up, smiling.

Noah and Maya met at their orientation and have been friends since then. The two of them and Joey and Maya's roommate, Elizabeth, have become a group. They became close friends over the six weeks they were in college.

He yawned.

"Here's your coffee," Noah said, pushing Maya's coffee towards her.

"Oh, thanks," Maya said. "I'll Venmo you the money right now."

Noah nodded as he covered his mouth to yawn.

"How much did it cost?"

"Four dollars and eighty - five cents," he said.

She nodded and Venmo'd Noah the money to pay him back.

Noah got the notification that Maya had Venmo'd him the money.

"Got it," he said. "Thanks."

Their professor comes in with the Teacher Assistant, or TA.

Half of the class was in there.

Noah and Maya both knew that the other half to the class were sleeping in.

Their professor began class and had them answer equations as she taught them.

After class ended, Noah and Maya went to Starbucks to get sandwiches.

At that point, Joey had woken up for his classes and joined them at Starbucks.

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