Suga's Pov

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My third year at karasuno high is almost over.. 3 more weeks and then we graduate. Time has flown by so fast... I'll really miss the second and first years.

The whole school is so much more lively as the third year students prepare for the graduation ceremony and the after party. It's all everyones been talking about..and because I don't play on the court that much anymore I'm helping out with the after party planning.

I remember my first year when all I could think about was when I would finally be graduating... but now that it's almost here I feel like I'm leaving a huge part of my life behind. But at least I have daichi. We've been dating since the start of our second year however.. Lately he's been distanting himself from me. It's like he's avoiding me at all costs and I have no idea why. I'm starting to think he doesn't love me anymore.

I've confronted him about this so many times but he just always shrugs it off.. He finds an excuse every time and honestly I'm losing interest in him... But.. I just can't seem to leave him.. When you force yourself to love someone you start to forget life without them... I felt like I couldn't break up with him.. I felt trapped.. I felt alone..

Third person pov
"Suga!" hinata yelled, running towards the older male and embracing him in a hug. "I'll really miss you!" Suga hugged him back "I'll miss you too." he said, holding the little tangerine in a warm hug.

It was now a week before the third years were due to graduate... The team seemed to be having a hard time accepting the fact that their senpai's won't be there anymore.. Even Tsukishima (who doesn't express his emotions) started to cry when Daichi explained who's taking over the team when they leave..

"Alright everyone line up,we have a practice match today." daichi yelled clapping his hands. Hinata let go of Suga and ran to line up with his other teammates who also seemed to be kinda down. Tanaka and Noya had been extremely more quiet these past few weeks..which meant Ennoishita didn't have to yell at them as much. Narita and Kinnoshita seemed to be even more reserved that they used to be. Yachi was extremely nervous about becoming the official manager and the other first years just seemed to be out of it.

The gym doors swung open and in walked Aoba Johsai who looked equally as down. The third years at Aoba Johsai were graduating before the Karasuno third years so this would of been their last practice match with the third years.

And soon enough the game started. Suga was on the sidelines cheering on his team.. But he never got to actually play... The game ended in a draw.

"thank you for the game." everyone said, the despondency was clear in each of their voices.

Oikawa looked over at the silver haired boy who was praising everyone for their hard work in the game. Oikawa could feel the uncomfortable aura coming from Suga as he talked to daichi..
"did something happen between those two..?" he thought to himself...
Oikawa always did have a little crush on the silver haired setter but he would always brush the feelings off.. But they only got stronger..
Oikawa blushed as he eyed Suga up and down, analysing the outline of the pretty setter.
"oi shittykawa." Iwaizumi spoke up, making Oikawa jump a little. "Stop eying their setter and move it our bus is here." Oikawa's faced turned bright red.. He really thought nobody would catch him starting at Suga.

Suga's pov
I rose up from the bench and walked over to my teammates praising them for the amazing game they played. I then turned to daichi... I started to feel uncomfortable around him.. There was always this one thought in the back of my mind telling me to avoid him.. Telling me that he did something.. I always ignored it. "hey daichi, great game." No response. Just a head nod. "You played really well, that last recieve was amazing." Again no response... "your formation was-" "OMG just shut up!" Daichi finally responded. I was taken aback by his sudden yelling and everyone else seemed to be staring at us..

Even the third years of the other team, who were about to leave were shocked. Tanaka and Noya looked like they were about to speak up but Daichi spoke again. "God you're so annoying." and with that he threw his bottle to me and left the gym.. I felt the tears sting my eyes and fall freely down my cheeks. Hinata rushed over to me pulling me into a tight hug while the others surrounded us asking if I was ok

Oikawa's pov
I couldn't believe what I had just heard.. How dare he yell at his own boyfriend like that. I glanced over to Iwa-chan to which he responded with a nod. I walked over to the group of boys that surrounded suga. Hinata broke the hug with suga when he saw me. He was the only one who knew that me and Suga had gotten a lot closer.

I pulled him into a hug and whispered into his ear.. "you're always welcome to come over." I felt him nod as he continued to silently sob into my chest.

Third person pov
It has been a long day and all Suga wanted to do was go home and flop down on his bed... But there was a slight problem. Suga had been living with daichi for a few months at this point... All he could do was hope that daichi wasn't home..

He opened the door and entered. Sighing as he closed it behind him.. He looked down noticing the extra pair of shoes at the doorway that didn't belong to either him or his so called boyfriend.. And that's when he heard it.. The muffled moans coming from the room he shared with Daichi...

He slowly walked towards the door, praying to God it wasn't what he thought it was.. He hesitated before opening the door just to see daichi with another girl.. His boyfriend was sleeping with another girl..

He wanted to scream but no sound left his lips.. Instead he backed out of the room slamming the door behind him.

Suga's pov
I should of known... I should of fucking known. I heard daichi scramble around in the room before running out with the bedsheet wrapped around his waist. "Suga! It's not what it looks like.. It was an accident..." he yelled as I put my shoes back on, tears clouded my vision.. I turned to face him.. I couldn't even look him in the eye without wanting to throw up.. "oh so you accidentally brought this girl to our house,fell ontop of her and started to fuck her!" I yelled, surprising even myself with how angry I sounded... He didn't respond..

"Fuck you Daichi Sawamura!" and with those final words I left slamming the door behind me. I walked down the now pitch black street, tears streaming from my eyes. I took out my phone and scrolled through my contacts til I found who I was looking for.. "oikawa.."

(I created a playlist for the book)

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(I created a playlist for the book)

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