Suga's Pov

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Today was the day... Graduation day. I looked over the crowd seeing the soon to be thrid and second years. Some were cheering for us, congratulating us former third years for surving high school. The others were crying, telling us that they would miss us so much. It broke my heart seeing my underclassmen this upset... But I could tell they were happy for us.

"Suga-san!" I heard Hinata yell. He ran up to me, pulling me into a tight hug. "I'm gonna miss you so much." he sobbed, hugging me tighter. "Don't cry, 'cause you're gonna make me cry." I replied, feeling the tears fall down my checks as I held the little tangerine in my arms.

The other first years made their way over to us. I could see the tears forming in their eyes. I pulled them all into a group hug, reassuring them that they would be fine without us. I looked over towards the second years, who had surrounded Asahi. Noya looked so heart broken, yet proud of his boyfriend for making it through high school. Asahi looked like he was struggling to deal with the emotional second years. Kiyoko and Yachi were in a corner, hugging and crying...this must be really hard for them, especially since they only started dating 4 months ago.

The ceremony ended just like I thought it would.. Well almost. Daichi decided that this would be the perfect time to try and talk to me. "Hey Suga, we need to talk." I didn't respond,hoping that would be enough indication that I didn't want to talk to him.. "Look I'm sorry ok, I'm sorry for everything. Can you just forgive me and maybe give me another chance..." He was really getting on my last nerve...

"How dare you.. HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!" I yelled turning around to face him. He seemed stunned. "I am perfectly happy in my reletionship with Oikawa and I don't need you ruining it!" I started to walk away but he grabbed my wrist. "Daichi let me go!" "Suga, can you stop being such a stubborn bitch and listen to me?!" "Let me go, your hurting me." "No!" he raised his hand.. He was going to hit me. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact.. But nothing. "What the actual fuck is wrong with you?!" I opened my eyes, seeing Kiyoko in front of me. Daichi scoffed and walked away.

I was still a bit shaken up... I felt dizzy.. I just wanted Oikawa to be here. "Hey, you ok?" Kiyoko asked, checking to see if I was hurt. "I-I'm f-fine." I stuttered. I could feel my entire body shaking. "Suga, try to calm down.. I'll go call Oikawa."
She helped me walk over to a bench to sit down. I cruled up into a ball, bringing my knees closer to my head.

Oikawa's pov
I was sat in my room staring up at my ceiling. I couldn't wait til Suga's graduation ceremony was over. I just wanted to cuddle him. Then my phone went off. "Kiyoko?" I questioned before answering.
"hey Oikawa, there's been a...situation so I'm going to drop Suga off at yours a little earlier than planned."
"Wait, what do you mean by 'situation'? Is he ok?"
"It's eaiser to explain face to face, I'll be over soon."
"Alright, bye.."
And with that she hung up. I paced back and forth in my doorway, waiting for Kiyoko to finally arrive with Suga.

I saw her car park up outside. The look on her face told me something was really wrong... But Suga's expression looked worse, almost as if he was scared. I opened the door letting them both in. Suga hugged me tightly, I could feel just how much he was shaking. "What happened?!" I asked, keeping Suga close to me. Kiyoko sighed. "You may want to sit down for this."

We sat on the sofa, Suga had fallen asleep in my lap. "So um.." Kiyoko spoke up. "Daichi started talking to Suga.. Of course Suga didn't want to talk to him... So they started arguing and one thing lead to another... I had to stop Daichi from hitting him." she explained. "... So that's why he's so scared... That prick.. I swear to God I will kill him the next time I see him." I said, brushing my fingers through his soft silver hair.

Kiyoko sighed."I don't think he should go to the after party tonight... Daichi will probably be there." she said, getting up. I stayed silent. "I better go, I promised Yachi I would take her on a date before the after party tonight." I nooded, smiling.

I fell asleep a few minutes after Kiyoko had left. I pulled suga closer to me, cuddling him. He stirred a little but didn't wake up.

I woke up an hour or so later to my phone practically blowing up. I grabbed my phone, scanning through some of the messages. One in particular caught my eye, a message from Iwa-chan telling me to check Instagram. The first thing I saw on my timeline was a video.. A video of the fight that happened between Daichi and Suga. I watched the video over and over again, getting irritated by the  way Daichi was yelling at my boyfriend...

                Suga's pov
I could tell Oikawa was awake... I heard him going through his phone. He seemed to be getting irritated... I thought of something that might calm him down. I pretendted to still be asleep and shifted my body slightly, grinding against him slowly.

I heard him drop his phone, groaning as I moved. I smirked lifting my head and opening my eyes. "W-what are you doing?" he stuttered wrapping his arms around my waist. "you'll see." I replied, leaning in closer to his face. I kissed him, feeling his hands travel freely under my shirt. "mm~" I moaned into the kiss as Oikawa rubbed my waist.
He slipped his tounge inside my mouth, exploring every inch of it.

He broke the kiss, panting for air. He leaned closer to me, kissing my neck. "G-gah~" I moaned as he bite and sucked on my neck, my hands gripped his shirt. "T-toru." he face glowed red... "Koushi..." he wishpered pulling my shirt off.

               Oikawa's pov
He called me Toru... I felt my cheeks burning. I whispered his name in his ear, feeling his body shiver against mine. I pulled his shirt off, throwing it to the side. I pinned him to the sofa, kissing down his torso and removing the rest of our clothing. "wait!" Suga said pushing me off of him. I was confused... I opened my mouth to speak before Suga spoke again. "I have a surprise for you." he winked at me, getting up. He grabbed a bag he'd brought in with him and walked over to my room.

A few minutes later he walked back out. "took you long en-" my face turned bright red as I stared at my boyfriend who was now wearing a cheerleading uniform. "so what do you think?" "I-i." I could barely form a sentence, it was like my brain just malfunctioned. He laughed, walking over to me. He sat on my lap, grinding against me. "F-fuck I'm gonna lose it if you keep teasing me like that." I said, placing my hands on Suga's hips. "That's what I'm waiting for~" he replied, nibbling on my earlobe. He was driving me crazy... His body fit in my hands perfectly.

"Fuck it!" I picked Suga up, carrying him to my room and throwing him on the bed. I climbed on top of him and kissed him. The heated make out session lasted about 10 seconds before we both had to pull away for air, a string of siliva still connected between our lips. "You ready baby~" I asked biting his bottom lip. He nodded, still panting. I practically ripped off the skirt before thrusting into him, slowly. "F-fuck~" suga moaned, digging his nails into my back. I sped up, pounding into him over and over again. "F-fuck T-toru~" All his moans drove me crazy...

"I'm not holding back.." I said, thrusting harder and faster, causing Suga to moan my name louder and arch his back. I could feel his nails scratching my back, not that I minded though. I kissed him passionately still thrusting. "T-toru I-I'm g-gonna." Suga could barely form words without stuttering. His eyes teared up from pleasure. "M-me too sugar~" we both came at the same time.

                 Suga's pov
Oikawa laid on top of me, taking a few seconds to catch his breath before finally pulling out. My legs were shaking and the dull pain was back. Having sex with this man is so worth the pain afterwards. I was about to speak before someone pounded on Oikawa's door, startling us both. "I'll get it." he sighed, getting up and grabbing his dressing gown. "We'll go for another round after I tell whoever is at the door to go away." he said, winking at me before going to answer the door.

I wrapped myself in his blanket, taking in the sweet scent of my boyfriend, waiting for him to return.

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