Chapter 18: The Sirens' Return

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After a long scolding from his worried and angry hyungs, Jungkook was on watch for the day once again. When he had returned to the dorms from the beach, his hyungs asked him where he was and why he wasn't answering his phone. There was also the case of why he was all wet when we arrived. Yet, with all the questions, he answered them vaguely, not giving any hints to the fact that he had gone to the beach to see Y/N. He simply answered that after what happened at the restaurant, he wanted to be alone and decided to go for a walk. He added that he ended up at the beach and stayed there for a bit to calm down since he had found a spot that was quiet and not surrounded by others. The others seemed to buy that, but they still were suspicious.

He then chose to change the subject by asking them how things went with the group of girls. They had told them that the girls were delightful and so sweet, which seemed to surprise Jungkook because the vibe that he got from them was the opposite.

They were once again working on new lyrics for their upcoming album, so they were all sitting on the couch with notebooks out and pens.

"I think this verse should go here," Yoongi stated as he pointed to some lyrics that he wrote and showed the others. The others nodded in agreement to that.

"Yeah, it'll fit better with the tune of the song," Namjoon agreed as he jotted down some more lyrics. As they continued to work on the lyrics, there was a knock on the door. All at once, the members jolted up from their seats while Jungkook remained seated on the ground.

"Who's that?" Jungkook asked raising an eyebrow, curious as to who would make his hyungs all stand up eruptly.

"Oh, right, we forgot to tell you, but we invited those girls from the restaurant over," Taehyung mentioned with his usual boxy smile. The younger one's eyes went wide at this as he stood up quickly.

"Say what?! Why?!" He asked his hyungs in disbelief.

"Because we thought it would be nice to show them around," Hoseok answered with a bright smile.

"Yeah, but it would be considered nice to show them around the city instead, don't you think?" Jungkook asked with a perplexed expression on his face, "I mean, why would they want to see the dorm? It's not exactly nice looking, there's dirty dishes in the sink, we have crumbs from food all over the ground, and clothes are spread everywhere. Do you really want them to see all of that?" His hyungs seemed to think about what he said making him feel slightly relieved until they shrugged.

"I don't think they'll mind," Seokjin voiced with a shrug as he and the others went towards the door. This caused Jungkook's jaw to drop in shock and he followed after them swiftly.

"Well, I mind!" He hollered as he stood in front of them with crossed arms. His hyungs sighed in exasperation at him.

"Jungkook, listen, we know that you're scared of girls," Yoongi remarked as he looked at the youngest with a knowing look.

"I am not afraid of girls!" Jungkook protested as an annoyed look crossed his face, "I just... don't really like those girls.."

"Why not? How could you not like those girls? What about them do you not like?" Jimin asked in confusion as he stared at the youngest wondering if something was screwed up with his head.

"I don't know! I just get a bad vibe from them," Jungkook responded as he scratched the back of his head awkwardly. His hyungs all glanced at each other before sighing and looking back at him. Jimin slung his arm over Jungkook's shoulder and squeezed him firmly.

"That sounds an awful like an excuse to cover up that you're actually afraid of girls," Jimin stated with a teasing grin before he ruffled the younger one's hair, "Hey, look, it's ok. We get it. It's hard to act manly and confident in front of beautiful, sexy women like them, but this will be great practice." Jungkook glared at his hyung and shoved him away.

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