Chapter 26: She Is Different

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Jungkook sighed as he brought up his fists close to his face before landing a blow at the punching bag. He threw out punch after punch until he finally was out of breath and stopped. He breathed heavily and stared long and hard at the punching bag. He had been in the gym, doing some boxing for most of the morning to get out his frustration.

Ever since he arrived back at the dorms with the others from the disastrous BTS Run shooting, he had felt so guilty from having let out his anger at Y/N. Even though Y/N had done what she had done, he knew that it wasn't right for him to have yelled at her like that. She knew that what she had done was a mistake and she felt remorse about the outcomes of her decision. She had apologized to him and them as well.

He remembered how after he had yelled at her, he immediately felt guilty. Although her actions were dangerous, she still saved them when they were being swarmed by sharks and she still saved Jimin. He had been so scared and worried for his hyung that he just let it all out on Y/N without even thinking.

He sighed heavily as he sat down on a bench and cracked his knuckles. He wanted to apologize to her for yelling at her, but after his hyungs had told him that when Jimin had asked if they could still see her and she told them that she didn't know, he worried that if he went to go visit her that she wouldn't show up. He let out another sigh, but this time he held his head in his hands, pulling at his hair in frustration.

"Jungkook?" A voice asked from the side. Jungkook glanced up to see Jimin standing there by the door of the gym.

"What is it hyung?" He asked in a slightly annoyed tone. Jimin sighed as he slowly walked towards the younger member and sat down beside him.

"Are you ok?" Jimin asked worriedly as he looked at Jungkook, who looked right back at him.

"Yeah, I'm fine..," Jungkook replied in a tired tone as he looked away, putting his gaze back to the punching bag.

"You don't seem fine," Jimin answered in a matter-of-fact way. He mostly did that to get a smile from the younger member, but that only made the younger member more annoyed.

"I said, I'm fine hyung!" Jungkook snapped in frustration as he stood up and stood in front of the punching bag. Jimin stood up as well and stood beside him. He said nothing as the younger one started punching at the punching bag furiously.

"Listen Jungkook, I know you're mad and upset at Y/N for making those sharks appear to scare us and I'll admit that her doing that was kind of reckless and dangerous, but I do know that she doesn't seem like the type of person to want to hurt people, let alone us," Jimin claimed in a serious tone as he watched Jungkook throw punch after punch. When Jungkook said nothing, he sighed and continued. "I don't believe that what Y/N did, she did because she wanted to hurt us. She did it because we going to discover a place that would put her in danger and that was sacred to her. I think, if we were in her positions, any one of us would have done the same. Then she tried to make up for it by saving us and by saving me. She wouldn't do that if she meant to harm us."

"She still sent sharks at us! And one of them bit your leg and dragged you under! You could have died hyung!" Jungkook pointed out in a loud tone as he threw punch after punch and even added in some kicks. Jimin sighed at that.

"I know, but she saved me. If she meant us harm, she could have just left me to be eaten by the sharks, but she didn't. She saved me and even showed me her true face," Jimin inquired as he placed his hand on the younger one's shoulder. Hearing this bit of information made Jungkook stop punching and kicking and instead turn to look at his hyung in surprise.

"She showed you her true face?" He asked in surprise as his doe-eyes widened. His hyung nodded in response to that. "It was to scare off the sharks right?" His hyung nodded again making him sigh and turn back to look at the punching bag. He didn't punch the punching bag, he only stared at it.

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