(7) Will i ever get what i want?

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"Nana." ....huh... "hey, Nana." Hm? Is he talking to me? "Oh... yeah?" I replied. "If that's all you came here for, can you leave now?" He asked. What?? Why would i leave already? "Nah, I think I'm gonna stay here for now. I'll go when I get bored." I told him. Igarashi sighed in defeat, and went over to his closet. Somehow I had only just noticed that he was only wearing underwear and shorts. It's not much of a big deal to me, because I've been around him for so long, that his looks aren't really that interesting anymore. As he started to get dressed, I looked away and scrolled through my phone again. I started playing a puri puri moon tap game, while I waited. The characters were really high levels, because I let my little sister play the game on my phone often. I accidentally pressed the volume button and my phone just yelled a line from the theme song, which was easily heard in the quiet room. I quickly muted it. I could hear igarashi chuckle at the random outburst. "So I see you're still 'not a fan' of puri puri moon." He sad, making fun of the fact that all the times I would do something related to the show I would say 'it's just because my little sister watches it'.

I grumbled back. He sat down on his bed, as he was now fully dressed. I upgraded Ruby's powers and then turned off my phone. I looked over and saw that igarashi was staring at a picture and frowning slightly. He seems really sad about it. I decided to see what it was. I walked over and looked at the picture. He's staring at a picture of Serinuma.... I guess he's still hurting. "Heeyyy~ what's wrong baby man?" I teased, taking the picture out of his hand. He looked at me with an annoyed face. "Let's just forget about her right now... okay? It's better to use this time to be happy, because on weekends, she's not there reminding you of your feelings." I told igarashi, patting him on the head. He softly growled at me. I put the photo on the bedside table. "Okay, now let's- aAuUa!" I got cut off as he pushed me onto the floor. Jeez... I know I'm annoying, but that was kinda harsh... and it hurt. I just lay there on the floor and thought about what to do next. I'm just going to annoy him more. I slowly lifted my arm up, and pointed at him. "You're a big meanie monster baby man! Luckily I'm strong, so I didn't shatter into pieces." I exclaimed dramatically. He kicked me in the side. I just wish he'd get over her already... I may have gotten over her quickly because I stopped liking her before the confession, but he has soooo many fan girls that are dying to be with him. Surely he's realised that Serinuma is not worth it... Sure she's a great friend, but she doesn't see any of us in that way, and we all fell for her because of looks in the start.

They never seemed to see it, but she is only in love with Mutsumi. She has liked him for a long time, and I feel like I'm the only one that takes the time to notice things anymore. I wish I could get myself to say loving things to the people I like, but I only really get myself to say nice things to my family or I get a few friendly words out.. but although I would go so far as to pin someone up against a wall... if I were to actually confess to them, I'd be all weird. It was so much easier to say things with serinuma, because I felt in control.. but with me and igarashi....it's a little more difficult. "Hey Nana, you've gone all quiet again. I'm Not saying I miss being insulted, but it's just a bit strange. Is there something on your mind?" Iga asked. I sat up. "Well, there is something... but it's okay, i don't need to talk about it... And I don't really think it's something you wanna know." I replied. He sighed. There's no way I'm talking to him about that right now. What would I even say? 'I-I-i.. well, y-you see..' yeah... no. All of a sudden I felt arms around me, and I started being lifted up. WHAT THE- I looked behind me, and I saw that Igarashi was picking me up. "Why are you picking me up? And how are you doing that?? You're making me look like I weigh as much as a little kid!" I exclaimed. He chuckled. "Well, I was just testing to see if I could carry you, because I've been going to the gym and working out a lot more. But... you also seem a bit lighter than usual, and not just because of that..." igarashi said, slowly putting me back down on the ground. Aaaand... now he's suspicious of more things.

"Have you been eating less or something?" He asked. Here we go... "I'm usually skinny. plus, It's okay, I know what times you should eat everyday. It's not like I skip meals." I replied. I nervously laughed. Igarashi didn't look super upset, but I could tell he didn't believe me. "Okay, fine! I guess I've been eating a little less lately... But I'm not dying so it's nothing to worry about." I told him. I was still trying to brush it off, but he obviously didn't want to let it go yet. "It makes it more worrying when you say it like that." He stated, continuing. "If something's wrong, then you need to talk to people about it. Friends and family can help you Nana." He lifted my shirt. "Hey! What are you-" I exclaimed. Igarashi looked disappointed. He let go of my shirt and looked at me. "Why?" He asked. i was confused. "What do you mean why? Why what?" I questioned. He got angry and tried not to scream. "Why did you do this? Why did you starve yourself?!" Igarashi replied. I could see that he was really frustrated. "And why should I tell you?!?" I yelled back. He grabbed my arm. "This isn't a game Nana, it's hurting your body, and you could die if it continues. If you don't tell me, then I won't know how to help." He told me, softening his tone. Now He looked kind of sad. "I don't want your help." I said. trying to pull his hand off of my arm, and push him away from me. He pulled me close to him, and grabbed my face with the other hand.

"Please. Just.. stay safe. I'm worried about you and I don't want you to feel like you can't talk to me... because I care, even if it seems like I don't sometimes. Okay?.. " Igarashi said, letting go of me. I stood and stared at him in silence for a few minutes, then I left the room by crawling through the window and climbing down the side of the house. Dammit... this wasn't supposed to happen... I didn't want to make him upset... I should fix this.





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