(4) People lie too much

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"Okay, Nanashima senpai, Truth or dare?" Shinomiya asked. I tried to get my mind off of everything, and just focused on the game. "Dare." I answered. Shino took a while to think of something. "...Okay... uhh.... I dare you, to draw your crush." Shinomiya told me. I froze. Seriously? I'm not good at drawing, but they would totally figure out who it is if I did that! I could draw Serinuma... but I guess that wouldn't be right, because she's a past crush. I'm not even sure if I actually like the person.... either way, both of them have done bad things recently, and I don't want to keep thinking about them! "Nanashima senpai, we don't have all day." Shinomiya said. I got a pencil and paper, and started drawing. I planned on making it a simple drawing that is unrecognisable, but I accidentally made it really detailed. When I realised, I went to erase it, but Shinomiya picked up the drawing. Oh shoot, here we go. "Oh... looks like my guess was right, you really do like him." Shino said, showing the drawing to Mutsumi. After Mutsumi looked at the drawing, he looked at me and gave a thumbs up. Ugh this is so embarrassing. "Well I guess we know why, you wanted him to be here so bad, now." Shinomiya said, handing the drawing back to me.

I folded the drawing, and put it in my bag. Even though I still had the mask on, I think they could tell my face was red. "Mutsumi senpai, truth or dare?" I said, not making much eye contact with either of them. "I'm going to pick Truth." Mutsumi replied. He probably picked truth, because of what his brother used to do to him. I'm not very good at picking truths, but I guess I'll try... "Did you ever have a pet cat?" I asked, as a random question. I didn't have much I wanted to know, and I didn't want to be the guy that pokes at your really really personal secrets.... which was pretty rude of Shinomiya to do that! "No, I never had a pet cat. But I do help other people's cat's from getting stuck in trees." Mutsumi answered. I was about to go to sleep when an alarm went off. "Is it morning already???" I asked. Shinomiya turned off the alarm. "No, that's the alarm for bedtime. To make sure we didn't stay up too late." Shino replied. I looked at him with a confused face. I was going to say something about the alarm, but I decided not to. It's a weird idea, but this isn't my house so whatever I guess.

We all got into our futons and went to sleep. Well, not all of us. I was still thinking about what happened. I quietly got out of my futon, and wandered around the house, to find a nice room to sit in and think. I couldn't see much, so I used the light on my phone to looked around until I found enough light. There was a window sil, in an upstairs study, that had a nice view of the sky, and a perfect line of moonlight, lighting up the room. I walked inside, and slowly headed towards the window as if a force was pulling me toward it..... Why are windows so pretty? I guess I just, like a place where I can see things, and they can't see me, unless they look over by chance. Looking at the sky Is so weird, and usually boring, but.... recently I've gotten attached to staring up at the sky and seeing the scenery through windows. The night sky... the only time you can see the sky for what it truly is. When darkness covers the earth and every one goes to sleep, they miss seeing the sky showing the galaxy, as if the layer of light blue covering it was the real sky. Why does it seem like no one ever wants to learn the real you? If there are people who really care, then they should say it. Surely you don't want someone you care about getting hurt?

....Oh who am I kidding? I let the people I care about get hurt sometimes, because I'm to scared to show that I care about them. Although I protected Serinuma and my family, I have done a pretty bad job at protecting everyone else.... I tried to shake dumb thoughts out of my head, but I hit my head on the window in the process. After I hit my head, I fell off of the window sil and landed on the floor. Ow! Dammit, I didn't think that one through. "What are you doing?" Shinomiya asked in a tired tone. He was standing at the door way and yawning. I sat up and shuffled over to face the wall. I made a 'hrrrmmph!' Noise in response, because I didn't want to talk to him. "Look man, I don't understand why you're acting like this, but could you please go to bed?" Shino said, seemingly very tired. I turned around to face him, and put my knees on my chin. "Sorry, I've just been getting annoyed at a lot of things... I guess it's childish of me to keep holding on to things like this, but they just don't go away soon enough, and it keeps me up. I should have just stayed home with Kirari, instead of staying here and being an annoyance." I said, staring down at the floor. He sighed and walked over, closing the door behind him, before approaching me.

"Alright, what's up with you? Come on, just use me as someone to talk to, so you can get to sleep." Shinomiya told me, patting my shoulder, and sitting down next to me. I twirled my hair with my fingers, and looked up at the roof. "First off... just so I know I can talk to you, could you apologise for making me do a crush dare? It was really uncomfortable for me, and even I wouldn't make someone do something like that. That's personal!" I told Shino, looking at him with a serious face. He looked back at me with a face of 'are you serious? we didn't even make much of a big deal about it!' And then blinked a bunch. "Okay, I'm sorry. I guess it may have been a bit harsh. But I promise I won't tell anyone about it! Although you might have to check that mutsumi doesn't say anything too..." Shinomiya apologised. Alright, now I need to get as much as I can fixed. "Thank you. Also, why didn't you let me know about what igarashi was up to this whole time? Like how I tried to ask him if we was going to the sleepover in class... Or when I tried to ask him when we were playing board games.... why didn't you tell me, why he never turned up? I finally found out he was hanging out with other friends, by seeing an Instagram post. It seems like you knew this whole time, and you were trying to hide the truth from me. Why?" I asked, worried about the answer.

He nervously laughed, but then went back to silence. I was about to ask again because it took him a while, but then he spoke. "I-... I didn't want your fun to be ruined. But I guess I failed and just made it worse. I thought if you worried about it, or kept thinking about the reason why, then you couldn't enjoy the sleepover. But I guess I calculated that wrong. I'm sorry, again. I wasn't too sure, so I thought maybe he might rethink and change his mind, but he totally left us for some other friends. Originally he said 'I might go, just let me check my schedule.' Then he said 'okay I will go.' Then at the last minute he went ' I'm invited to a party so I think I'll go to that Instead. ' I tried to get him to reconsider since I asked first, and he said 'alright, my new friends can wait, I'll go to the sleepover.' Then he-" Shinomiya ranted on for too long so I stopped him. "Alright alright! I get it. He lied to you and went to the party. I guess that's something you can't control, but next time let me talk to him." I yelled over top of him, cutting him off. He stared at me, then looked away. I turned my hand into a fist and hit the floor, as if that could help me. I grumbled to myself, and then spoke "hrMm... sorry I yelled at you. You just went on for a bit too long... Igarashi sucks sometimes. Thanks for trying to make me feel better." I apoligised.

He smiled and pat me on the shoulder. "Don't let him get to you. That can wait for the next time you see him. If he doesn't care, you shouldn't either." Shinomiya told me, trying to cheer me up. He got up, and walked back to the bedroom. Such a silly guy... There's no way I can just not think about it, and not care!... but at least he tried to help. That's what matters. I got up and walked back to bed too. I lay down and stared up at the roof. Next time I see him, I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind... And he better have a good explanation. I closed my eyes.

-Nanashima's dream-

This is weird.... why am I at someone's wedding? I started walking around, trying to figure out what was going on. I saw Serinuma and Nishina's pictures on a piece of paper on the table. I picked it up and studied to closely. It said that this is their wedding... huh? The fujoshi otaku girls are getting married? That's surprising, but cool I guess. I put the paper down and walked around again. I saw the Mutsumi brothers, talking to eachother about something, standing around a piano. The woman playing the piano had also started talking to them. Everyone at this wedding seemed super friendly. I was about to go up to them and talk, when someone grabbed my arm, I turned around and saw Igarashi. Oh great... he is definitely not the person I want to see right now. Even if this is a dream. "Hey nana, why are you running around so much? I can't talk to you if you move every 5 minutes." Iga said, laughing a little. He smiled and took my hands. He looked down. "I would be so happy if we could get married too someday." He told me. I looked down at our hands. "Why is that?" I asked, kind of confused. He lifted up my hands and kissed the back of one. "Well, because I love you. Of course I would want to marry my boyfriend." He told me, as he spun me around. It was just like the time we danced at a school event. We looked into eachothers eyes, and laughed together.





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