(5) Dreams don't always become reality

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I threw my arms around him and whispered in his ear. "Promise you won't leave me? Because I really love you too." I asked. He hugged me, and ran his fingers through my hair. "I promise. I'll love you forever. But if we ever fall apart, remind me why we stay together." Igarashi replied. I kissed him on the cheek. "Alright, alright, pack it up lovebirds. Are you trying to steal the show? Remember it's Serinuma and Nishina's wedding." Shinomiya said, pushing us apart. It's so weird seeing us all looking older, and more grown up. But... it's nice to think about the future. I saw my little sister running around with some other kids over somewhere else. She saw me and waved, I waved back. This is a pretty nice dream. Too bad none of this would ever happen... I saw Nishina walking over, to the little gathering of lined up chairs. I guess it's starting now. Mutsumi senpai walked over to us. "The Ceremony is going to start soon." Mutsumi told us. We all started walking over. My vision was getting blurry, and everything faded to black.

- end of dream -

I woke up. Huh? Oh.... what a weird dream... it ended so fast, I didn't get to see the rest of it. Was having so much fun with that dream, but it had to end soon, because I am still mad at him. Even though the dream version of iga was being super nice, I know the real him is still in the bad books right now. I looked around the room. Mutsumi and Shino were still asleep. I picked up my phone. The clock said it's 7am. Good thing it's not too early. I got up and quietly left the room, closing the door behind me. I went into the living room, and sat on the couch. I started scrolling through social media. Nothing interesting... I decided to text Nishina, to see what she was doing.

[Hey Nishina! What are you doing right now?]>

<[Well I was sleeping... but you woke me up!]

[Sorry, I forgot it was 7am.]>

<[Just Kidding! I was already awake. I barely slept because I was working on my manga pages. I'm surprised you're up this early though. I wouldn't think that you, of all people, would wake up at this time, on a weekend.]

[Eh... I just randomly woke up and decided not to go back to sleep.]>

<[Hm okay. So do you have time to be my model today? I kinda need some help.]

[No, sorry, I can't. I have a few plans already. Errands that I need to run. Things I need to take care of.]>

<[Aw man, are you really that busy? But I really need you to...]

[.... alright. fine. If I don't take too long, I'll stop by...]>

<[Yes!!! Thank you~]

I face palmed, and fell to my side. My life is so weird. I decided to clean up some stuff downstairs, since I had time. Hmm... now that I think about it, I could help Nishina now, and go yell at igarashi later since he's probably not awake right now. I quietly packed up my stuff, got dressed, and left a note on the front door, then left Shinomiya's house. I started making my way to Nishina's house, grabbing a little something to eat while I was walking. I knocked on her door and waited, as I heard her falling down the stairs trying to get to the door as fast as she could. How does she have that much energy, with a sleepless job and school weighing her down? She opened the door and pulled me inside. "Thanks for coming, we need to start now." She said, in a serious tone. I would have said something, but I just nodded, seeing she probably couldn't deal with anything else right now. "Alright! Now I want you to... hmm... actually I can't explain it very well. could I just move you into the pose? I promise I won't make it anything too uncomfortable for you." Nishina asked. I thought about it for a minute. Well, the fact that I even agreed means that I would kinda need to do what she wants, so if that's how she needs it to work, then I should let her do that. "Okay, just try not to break my bones." I agreed. She smiled and walked over. I stood still and watched as she moved my arms.

This isn't quite as bad as last time she asked us to model. It's a bit more comforting, since we've become slightly better friends. "You seem to be thinking a lot. Is there anything that you want to talk about?" Nishina asked. I tried to keep a straight face. "It's nothing.. you're working right now, you don't have time for it anyway." I replied. She moved over to her desk, and started sketching. "So, did you get anything to eat before coming over here? If you didn't eat yet, I can get you something." Nishina asked. Why is she chatting right now? Shouldn't she be concentrating? "Oh, yeah. I just got some snack food from a convenience store." I replied. She walked back over again, to move me into another pose. "...Is this really helping you?... it seems kind of weird. Especially since you would probably need a group of people, for some scenes. Not just one model..." I asked. She chuckled. "Well, if I actually had a group of people so that there were enough for each character, then it might be easier to imagine... but I only need models to make sure I get the pose right. I don't need anything except this, because it's just to check. I wouldn't want to have a character bend like some monster if it's supposed to be normal." Nishina told me.

- 2 hours later -

"Okay then... I guess I'll let you go now. Hopefully you're not broken after all this!" She exclaimed. I dramatically fell to the floor. "Oh noooo! You've killed me! I didn't even get to achieve any of my dreams yet.... how will anyone remember me now?? Aaaa...." I exclaimed, fake dying as I lay on the floor. Nishina walked over and kicked me. "Oh well, I guess I can use your dead body as a model then." She joked. I looked at her with a weirded out face. She obviously wasn't serious, but that sounded kinda creepy. "Haha, just kidding! That would be a crime. Now come on, you can't lay on my studio floor your whole life!" She stated, holding out her hand. I took her hand, and she pulled me off the floor. "I guess it's time, to go confront that jerk..." I said to myself, as I was getting ready to leave. Nishina moved in front of me, to stop me from leaving, as she was probably curious about what I was saying. "Is this what was bothering you Today? Someone was being mean to you?" She questioned. I sighed. "Something like that.... but... look, it's not that big of a deal, I just need to go talk to them." I replied, trying to walk around her. Nishina blocked off the door even more. "Who is it? I can help, if you tell me!" She asked.

I checked the time on my phone. It's already 9am! If I go any later, I won't be able to wake him up, as revenge! "It's Igarashi. I fight with him all the time. So please, let me leave. I need to go now." I told her. She grabbed my face, to force me to look at her. "Nanashima. I know you have good reasons to fight, but try not to fight about every single thing. Make sure you pick good choices." Nishina told me, as she continued. "If you continue doing this, you will damage your relationship with him. You don't want to lose your best friend, do you?" She asked. I pushed her hands away. "You probably should have said that earlier. We're not really best friends anymore. We've gravitated towards more of a 'frenemies' relationship now. He even said himself that he thinks we act like siblings. So there isn't much to lose anyway." I told her. I left her speechless, and walked out the door. I ran through the street, all the way to iga's house. Here we go... this is going to be an interesting day... I walked around to the side where his bedroom window was, and took one of my shoes. I threw my shoe at the window. Nothing happened... well I guess I'm gonna have to go up there. I climbed up the side of the house, and carefully moved across, until I got to his window.





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