(2) Leave me alone

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His comment got more attention, with Serinuma laughing a little at me. It was annoying, but at least it made things a little more lively. After Lunch ended, we all started walking back to our classes and getting our books. Students always get to class before the teacher and chat while we wait. Even after all that has happened, there is still rumours about me and igarashi dating. It's a popular thing to talk about in our class so I hear little whispers all the time. Sometimes I think about it, but there's no way it would actually happen. I mean... we're close friends... but we fight too much. I'm convinced he hates me. He probably has some girl on his mind and already plans to be with her forever.

I was lost in my thoughts again, as I gathered my books. "Nanashima senpai... I was wondering, if you wanted to come over on the weekend. I'm going to have a sleepover at my house on Saturday, and I'm inviting you, Igarashi, and Mutsumi senpai." Shinomiya told me. I looked at him with a blank expression. "Oh... I thought you didn't want to hang out with us, since you left the table at lunch. Why would you want to have a sleepover?" I asked. He gave me a piece of paper, with all of the information on it. Wow he made an invitation. "Whenever we try to study it's usually disrupted by many things, so we could use this as an opportunity to study. Also, I don't mean to be rude, but it would be nice to hangout without the girls around... plus i don't usually have much to do in my house, since I live alone." Shinomiya replied. "Ah, but please don't think it's anything weird, I just want to hangout! So.. will you go?" He asked. I looked at the invitation and then at him. "Yeah, whatever, sounds nice. I'll go I guess." I answered.

Shino smiles and walked off to go ask the rest of them. What an odd kid. I walked inside and found Igarashi with a pile of letters. Oh jeez, not again... He hasn't opened any of them yet, he was just reading the writing on the front and back of the envelopes. "So, you got fan mail again i see. Maybe you might actually get a girlfriend this time." I joked, picking up 3 of the letters and reading them. The first two girls names I saw on the front I remember, Iga was politely giving the hint of rejection to those girls so many times, but they never seemed to get it. The third letter had a name that I don't remember ever reading. "Hey, this one's new, never seen her before." I said, putting the envelope letter in front of his face. He took it from my hands and stared at it. "Hmm, yeah she asked to be my friend last week. I'm not sure why she made a letter..." Igarashi told me, moving on to the other letters. I sat down in my desk chair backwards and took out my phone. I texted Shinomiya.

[Hey Shino, did you ask Igarashi if he wanted to come to the sleepover yet?]>

<[Yeah I did, why do you ask?]

[just wanted to know, because if you didn't I could ask him for you.]>

<[i guess that would have been an easier way, but I got it. Thanks anyways.]

"Who are you texting?" Iga asked. I turned off my phone. "I was texting Shinomiya. Why?" I replied. He put the letters away into his bag. "You two are becoming really good friends now. You used to fight a lot, but now you're like... best friends. You fight a bit but not very much, and you seem to do a lot of things together now." Iga told me. I poked his cheek. "We are supposed to be best friends. If he's my best friend, what does that make you?" I questioned. Igarashi pushed my hand away. "Well, if you think about it... we... are more like.... brothers. Our friendship, is a lot like that of sibling's relationships. We don't exactly get along, as much as we would, if we were actually best friends." He stated. My smile faded from my face. "Wow. You really think that? Well fine then I guess. If you really think of me as some annoying brother... why not just say you don't want to be friends anymore?" I asked, in an annoyed tone. He looked misunderstood. "What? No, Nana that's not what I mean-" igarashi tried telling me something but he got cut off because the teacher was starting class.

After that long class, of just sitting there, feeling numb.. The day had ended. I walked home, and opened the door to a happy little sister waiting for me. "You're back! Come on, the show's about to start!!" My little sister Kirari exclaimed, as she took my hand and pulled me into the living room. "Sorry, I can't... I have things to do." I told her, as I tried to just go to my room, and not do much.





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