(3) That dummy

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I decided to get things ready for tomorrow's sleepover. I grabbed a bag and started packing clothes into it. As I was moving things around, my phone started ringing. It was Serinuma.... I stared at it, but decided I wasn't going to answer her. I declined the call and continued packing. I put the bag aside after I was finished. I put my headphones in, and started playing music on my phone. I looked out the window and got lost in my thoughts again. I adjusted a photo on the window, sill and lay in my bed.

-The next day- (time skip because this is boring.)

I walked to Shinomiya's house, with my bag on my shoulder. As I expected, there was no one home but him. It's so weird how someone would just leave a first year home alone like that.... I get that he's in high school, but he's still a kid... He opened the door and greeted me. "Hey Nanashima senpai! Welcome to my home, come on in." Shino said, happy that I was here. I thought I was the only one here since I was early, but then I saw Mutsumi senpai was already sitting in the living room. Is that guy magic or is my clock broken? I checked my watch, then all the clocks I could see in this house. I have come to the conclusion... that my watch was wrong, and I'm only a few minutes early. Well if I was basically on time... then I guess Igarashi will be arriving soon. "Nanashima, do you want to help me with this puzzle?" Mutsumi asked. I usually don't find puzzles fun, but I decided to do it anyway. "Sure, I guess." I replied. Shinomiya had left the room to go find more things to do. I found the missing pieces for one space in the puzzle, and I was only half surprised at what the picture was. It was a castle. Of course. Mutsumi senpai just can't get enough castle themed board game stuff.

-one hour passes-

We had already played 2 rounds of each of the 3 board games, that Shinomiya put on the table.... and igarashi still wasn't here. I got up and looked out the window. Did he lie about going or was he not coming? I took out my phone and dialed his number. "What are you doing Nanashima?" Mutsumi asked. I let it ring and waited. "I'm trying to call igarashi to see why he's not here." I replied, with an annoyed tone as the phone went to voicemail. "Maybe you shouldn't do that, just let me handle it, I'll ask and you can just go play more games." Shino told me, taking my phone from my hand and putting it on the table. He started up the tv and gave me the remote. "How about you watch something? Don't worry about him. He might show up when it's not so light out." He said, brushing it off, and going to deal with it himself. I don't know why he won't let me figure it out. It's almost as if he doesn't want me to know something... I decide to find something to watch, making sure that Mutsumi also wants to watch it. I scrolled through for a while, but nothing caught my interest... until I saw a weird cute rainbow coloured disc case on the tv stand. I picked it up and snickered at the cover. It was a weird dating simulator game for his console.

I couldn't let myself pass up the chance to try it, so I decided that i would play it. I put the game into the console and started it up. "Nanashima what is this?" Mutsumi asked. Man, he is full of questions. "It's a dating simulator game. You type your name or your characters name into the starting box, and then you pick choices." I replied. I typed 'rice' into the name box and started playing. "Why did you-" he tried asking, before I cut him off. "Because it's weird, dumb, and funny ......and I don't really care." I answered. I picked the characters gender as male to be more fitting, and looked at the character list to find which person to go for. I looked through the love interests, but I couldn't find a good one. Most of them are guys. Although I know mutsumi's older brother, is ok with guys liking guys... I don't know if he is, so I won't go for those routes around him. But the few girls are all pretty bad. I passed the sheet over to him so he could take a look. "I can't make a decision, do you have any ideas about who the player character should date?" I asked him. He looked at it, and chose someone, pretty quickly. "How about him? He looks like a nice person." Mutsumi said, pointing at a short, cute, and soft looking boy.

Oh wow, Well I guess he's ok with that then... "Hmmm...." I stared at the character. "He looks like he cries a lot though. Kinda reminds me of Shinomiya." I replied. Now that I know those characters are allowed, I have a few in mind. "How about him? That guy seems like he could protect you, and he might make a few jokes. Or... we could try her, because I guess she's ok, but I don't think the girls are really any good." I told Mutsumi. As we were discussing what the characters might be like, Shinomiya walked back into the room. We both looked over at him. "W-what are you d-doing???" He asked. I'm guessing he probably didn't want us to play this game. "We're deciding who to go with. Since this is your game, who do you suggest?" I asked, handing him the sheet. He looked embarrassed, as his face was kinda pink. But he calmed down and concentrated on it. "If you're a first time player, you're better off playing the game, and going with someone, once you meet everyone.... instead of committing to someone you don't know. But if you really want me to... I suggest you go with the quiet kid. His choices are better in my opinion. Pretty sure he has a crush on the main character from the start anyway so that makes it easier." Shino told us.

I thought about it for a bit then I went over to Mutsumi "so, what do you think senpai? I think it sounds like a good pick." I asked. Shinomiya put the sheet back on the table and sat down with us. "Okay, sounds good. Let's pick him." Mutsumi replied. I picked up the controller and started playing again.

-Many hours later, after dinner-

Shinomiya decided to put a 'skincare spa thing time' into the schedule, so we all had weird face masks on. We had mattresses set up on the floor, and we were playing truth or dare. "Shinomiya, Truth or dare?" Mutsumi asked. I picked up my phone, and decided to scroll through social media. "Truth!" Shinomiya replied. I put my phone down, and kicked him. "Booooo! You always pick truth. Just do a dare!" I yelled at him. Shinomiya pushed me. "It's my choice! Besides,you would make terrible dares for me, if you had the chance... And stop kicking me!" Shinomiya yelled back. Mutsumi was just sitting there and dealing with this. "What is something you like about me?" Mutsumi asked. Shino threw a pillow at me. "Hmm, I think I like the fact that you've never really annoyed anyone. You're really nice." Shinomiya replied. I looked at my phone again and saw a picture of igarashi. It says it was posted today.... why is there a picture of him hanging out with a bunch of other people? Is that why he didn't show up?? Because he went to go hangout with other friends?! I had forgotten about him until now...

I closed my phone and sighed. "Is something wrong Nanashima?" Shinomiya asked. He looked worried, like he could feel that I was really upset, through just a few facial expressions. "We don't have to play anymore, if you don't want to..." Mutsumi told me. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. "I'm okay... and I still want to continue." I replied. Both of them looked at eachother and shrugged, then they continued the game.





Baka! ~ Nanashima X IgarashiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang