(6) you don't deserve it

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I held onto the side of the window and lifted away one hand to knock. I pounded the side of my fist against the window, to make the loudest noise I could. Igarashi threw himself awake after he heard it. The sound spooked him so much he fell off his bed. Just as I planned. I tried holding in my laughter, as I could fall if I moved too much. "Hey." I said to him, tapping on the window this time. Igarashi turned around, and looked even more confused when he saw me. "Nana?.....What???" He questioned. I looked at him and waited. He got up and made his bed. NO DAMMIT! I WANT YOU TO OPEN THE WINDOW!! i frowned. "Oi! Iga. Can you open the window, and let me in?" I asked. He stared at me. "Why didn't you just go to the front door? I could have let you in from there." He stated. I just continued to stare at him. He crossed his arms, and turned around to leave. I smacked my hand on the window again, trying to get him to do what I want. He sighed and came back over to me. Igarashi unlocked the window and opened it. "There you go." He said. I climbed through the window, and stumbled around trying to get my balance. I almost fell over, but then he grabbed me and held me still. What is this feeling? Why do I feel so... floaty? It's like time just stopped for a few minutes... I... am I blushing? Is this because of my crush? Normal crushes don't do this to you! I felt really embarrassed, and shy all of a sudden. "Oh... thanks..." I said.

He sat down on his bed. "So why are you here?" Igarashi asked. I started stuttering, trying to remember why I was here. For some reason, I was so weirdly love struck, that I had forgotten what I wanted from him. Oh! Yeah! He lied to me and the other guys about going to the sleepover, and went to a party with out telling anyone! I got back to my senses, and got ready to yell at him. "Alright mister! First off, you lied to Shinomiya, by saying you were going to his sleepover. Second, you didn't show up and never sent a message explaining yourself. Third, you posted a picture of you at a party on social media, which I'm guessing is where you snuck off to... and you didn't tell anyone that you were there!" I screamed in his face. Igarashi didn't really look like he cared at all. That jerk! "Look, Nana. I did try to tell Shinomiya that I didn't want to go, but he insisted, and I didn't want to seem mean, so I left him with a maybe. I was already going to the party before he asked, so I couldn't really do anything. They wouldn't let me decline. I couldn't say anything, because my phone was taken by one of the girls at the party, and I was struggling to get it back from her. I did manage to get it back, but it was dead by the time I got to it. The people hosting the party told me that I couldn't let anyone else know about it unless they were invited. That means no friends or parents. I didn't post the photo, my date did." Igarashi told me.

I stood still. What?! That can't be right... "Sorry, I couldn't really control the situation. But why did you try to break in through my window, early in the morning? You could have just waited a few hours, and used the door." He asked. I don't really have much of answer to that. Now I feel kinda stupid, realising that my revenge will just make me look like a jerk, because igarashi didn't actually do this on purpose. "Uhh... i just wanted to?.." I replied. "Sorry I yelled at you dude. I just thought you might have lied and hung out with other friends as some sort of mean act, and i got a bit too angry at that." I said, looking away. I feel so weird around him now... I hope he doesn't notice anything, and catch on... We both locked eyes and stared for a whole minute and then awkwardly looked away. We had fallen silent after that conversation. I wonder... who are these girls? And why are they all hanging out with Iga?? A girl sending letters almost every day... a weird date.... does he... have a girlfriend? Probably not. But it's weird. He's surely too popular now, so I need to get to him while I can.





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