our fears

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a/n: hi hi hi. please dont compare this to dd, thank you so much.  :) enjoy the letter.


Dear Draco,

Fear is what we perceive to be frightening towards ourselves, whether it is bugs, or horror movies, heights, etc. Either way, they hurt us. Why must we compare our fears? It's a personal experience each one of us faces that affects us differently, we can't assume how others are feeling just because their fears aren't ours; we have to be open minded right? So when I learned about your fear, I promised myself I would do the same. 

I knew you were a death eater.

I know you're wondering, how? You wore full sleeves all the time and kept your body very reserved, how could I tell?  That doesn't matter. But I know you fear being one, you might deny it at first so you don't seem as a coward but it's normal. Fear is normal too. I was just like you at first, telling myself repeatedly that death wasn't scary, it wouldn't be if I lived my life to the fullest. If I left the word with no regrets, I would die happily, peacefully in a tranquil manner. I still do agree those things make death seem far more tolerable. But what are the odds that someone like me, might have thought the opposite? 

Remember in St. Mungos, when you told me it was okay to be afraid? It was probably the most impactful thing you told me all year round. I have been bottling up myself for so long that my reaction were my eyes just flooding with tears. I'm scared to be alone when I die, I'm scared of where I am going to go when I leave this world, I'm scared of what will happen to my family as well as my friends, even Hogwarts itself. I'm scared, but it's okay, because you said it was okay.

We're okay. We always are. 

But you must not let fear get in your way, if you let your fears dominate you, your past and your future, how can you ever peacefully die? You will live with regrets, you will leave the world with blank stares and no sense of life. You will leave worthlessly. 

But the Draco Malfoy I know is none of those things. 

You are ambitious and cunning. Why else are you in Slytherin? No matter what, everything you do, you do for your own benefit, and you may not notice but others as well. Don't let a mark on your arm take that away from you. Don't lose to fear. I know it's hard. I know it laughs, torments, stares at you, but if you continue to listen to it, you will stick with something so hideous for eternity. The dark mark might be on your arm forever, but its soul will perish if you conquer your fears. If you learn what is best for you, if you defeat the dark auras that surround you. I know you aren't a bad person. I know you have done terrible things to other students but you, Draco Malfoy, are not a villian. You are a hero, my hero.

So do it for me Draco. We have a universe to tend. If you leave the world with fear and regrets, do you think our universe will become it's best? It's okay to have fear, but don't let it possess the abstract areas of your mind where you, and only you have control over it. 

When the sun dies, the moon shines. 

I don't know if you agree Draco. But I think it's true. Though I'm gone, I'm positive the light you have can illuminate the Earth without me as a temporary solution. It will always be night, but without the dark, we cannot see the stars. Though I will be physically gone soon, remember I'm always with you, after all the moon shines because of the sun. Don't let me go Draco when I'm gone. I will always be with you, even if I can't see you, I promise with all heart, my rays, that I will have a special home in you.

Do it for me Draco. But also, do it, for you.

I love you.


ps- i dont know if you will find this page, but if you do, i hope you like the poem on the other side. took me five minutes. 


ahh im finally done w the letter, i was just in the moment so it just happened. the book is not over. vote and comment!

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