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Chapter 5
Maya's POV

Before I knew it the kiss was over. We both pulled away. I had such a huge smile on my face. I couldn't stop looking at him. Did he really just kiss me?

"W-why'd you kiss me?" I asked.

"That will remain a mystery" he winked at me.

He slowly walked towards the couch and sat down and looked at me. I couldn't tell if he was into me or not. But I certainly had to find out.

I sat down next to him on the couch. He looked down. He looked like he was sad. "Maya..." He said. He sounded serious. For some reason I was very nervous. I didn't know what he was going to say but my heart couldn't stop beating fast. I looked at him.

"You do understand I'm too old for you?" He said. He never looked so serious in his life. My heart broke into a million pieces. But I didn't show it. I'm okay I'm always okay at least that's what I tell myself.

"I do Josh, I know that." I said

"Good." He said still looking down.

"But I'm in it for the long run." I fake smiled.

As soon as I said that he smiled at me. Gosh, he confuses me so much. Why would he kiss me if he doesn't even like me? If he was going to be this way then so will I.

"You know I'm leaving the city tomorrow?" He said out of no where. My eyes widen. I didn't want him to go anywhere but I also did because I hate liking him.

"Aww going to miss you husband, well you know what?" I said smiling.

"What..?" He asked me confused.

"Have a safe trip! Now I better go." I quickly walk towards the door and leave.

Joshua's POV

I saw Maya walk away and leave. I felt disappointed that she didn't even hug me. But I guess that's what I get for telling her she's too young for me.

It could never work. She's best friends with my niece for God sakes and the same age as her. Better to warn her I'll never develop feelings for her nor date her. I would want to bring her hopes up. Sure, I flirted with her but that's just for fun.

Before I could think more about Maya, Riley walks in.

"Hey Uncle Josh, I just saw Maya she seemed upset, what did you do?" She said giving me an angry face

"Hey, why are you assuming I did something to her?" I said as I laid down on the couch.

"Well, perhaps is because it's obvious. What did you tell her?" She got closer to me. She seemed like she was going to beat me up. I couldn't take my chances.

"I told her I was too old for her? Is that a problem?" I look at Riley, I didn't see what was the problem, Maya seemed like she took it well. At least that's what I thought.

"You don't get it do you? Maya feels like nobody cares about her, Her dad left her mom and now her dad doesn't even care about her, her mom has to work so many shifts just to pay the rent! So Maya's mom is never there for Maya. Maya has no one except for me, Gosh Josh just get away from Maya you'll just break her heart more than it already is." Riley screamed at me and then furiously walked to her room.

I didn't understand till now... I thought Maya was immature but maybe she's more mature than I thought.

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