Chapter 03 : HOpE for The HOpeless

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While I was washing the dishes, I heard the front door opened; it didn't take too long until I felt his breath, he was standing behind me with his hands holding me, I frowned, then  after a few uncomfortable seconds he finally said :

-Hi babe, is dinner ready ? 

-Yep, go and wash while I prepare the table .

 And with that he finally left, I was still feeling bad and I didn't want any company, I just want to be alone and surely his questions won't help, but I have no choice, I must stay with him while he takes dinner, to give him company  and serve  him in case he needs something.


-So how was it ? 

He asked the question that I didn't want to hear while he still has some food inside his mouth, he eats so fast always in a rush.

-It was okay. I lied

He puts  the fork on table and stopped eating, then turned his eyes to me, they were wide open  -Just Okay, ooh..... Was it that bad ? 

- What?" I said  surprisedly and angry at the same time " What makes you say that ? .

-It's so clear in your face, in your words and you are surprisingly very nice today .

-Are you saying that I am not a nice person? 

  Now I really pissed off.

-Nope, never said that, but you're like super nice and calm, you haven't even complain about me coming late after dinner, anyway I have already told you that  it's a waste of time, you shouldn't have gone in first place, you only humiliate yourself.

-Well, thank you. I said with a sarcastic voice.

-You know you shouldn't look for a job anymore, I don't think anyone will hire you anyway and I don't really blame them, you have no fabulous look, no social skill and definitely in lack of professional skills and with that veil in your head you have no chance, at least not as an architect,  with no offense.

And with that he left the kitchen, not letting me a chance to answer, but I wouldn't anyway, what would I possibly say, I was shocked, I just sit with my eyes widened, how could he say that, what an advice ?! he keeps surprising me day after day just when I think he could say something nice or just I told you so but he is really good at using his words as weapon as a knife that he put inside my chest, more precisely in my heart, he is really an expert, he should be a murder, cause he just killed the little strength I had, that kept me breathing, he didn't just humiliate me, this is officially if not the worse day than very close to be , I have never heard such insults with cold blood, by now my tears were already falling, I couldn't keep them lock I had to free them, why ? Why does he insist on putting me down, breaking every inch of my heart, isn't he my husband? How can I live with him? how can I love him? And how can I build a family with him?, this is so hard.

Ya Allah please don't leave me, don't leave me alone, I'm so hurt, so broke and so alone, I have no one but you , please Allah give me strength, show me the way, the right path, and if this job and marriage are for me not then putting it away from me, Ya Allah I am so much in need of your forgiveness , mercy, please help me, don't abandon me.

Once I was calm I went to make wudua to pray Isha and went to sleep so peacefully, the prayers, the duaa really helped me, it is hard to explain the effect of a true duaa that comes from the heart to the one and only creator knowing that he is listening to you, knowing and understanding how are you feeling it just made feel so close to Allah , suddenly I was  sure that all this pain will end, all this will make a sense one day and tomorrow will be a new day, a better day.

Once Upon A Stranger  "Islamic Story" #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now