Chapter 20 : First Ladies Weekend Part2 : Decisions Time

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I'm running in the woods, my long dress keeps me from going fast, I almost fell, I turned around me to see that nobody is chasing me yet I keep running, I am afraid, My heart beats are fast, I feel like it's going to stop or leave my chest, I don't know from what I'm running but I know that this is why I'm. The line of the high trees has ended and I found myself standing in front of a wall made with stones of different size, I looked at the top of the wall, it's tall, I can't climb it , I can't see a door in it either, how am I going to enter and pass the wall ? What is behind it ?

I still feel the urge of running, I am still scared and I need to move yet the wall won't let me, I scream in anger, take a few steps back and run as fast as I can to only end up crashing into the wall, I fell on the ground, feeling exhausted and tired.

I opened my eyes to find myself laying in the corner of the bed, one move and I would be on the ground, Astaghfiro Allah El-Adhim " I seek forgiveness of ALLAh,The Mighty " I turn to the other side, this was just a dream, I put my hand on my chest, my heart is still beating fast, the same fear I felt on the dream I'm feeling now, I looked at the clock on the side table, it's almost noon, Oh, Ya Allah, I slept for too long, I left the bed quickly and runned to the bathroom, the book was still on the bed, I spent last night reading it,at first I was only curious about Martha's book, about her as a writer, but after one chapter, I couldn't put the book down,the story was catching, so much mystery in it, each chapter open new doors, more of questions and riddles that need to be solved.

Once I dressed up, I went downstairs, the house is quiet, I could hear my footsteps, I reached the dining room to find it empty, no one is in the living room too, I went to the library to find no one there, it seems like Martha is not home or she is outside in the garden, I looked from the window at the sky, it's very dark, not the perfect weather for gardening, she can't be outside, I left the library uncertain, I took few steps toward the entry hall to see Martha coming in .

-Hi, I said, smiling once I saw her, I felt relief and happiness, no longer lost.

-Hi, I just arrived from the church, did you have lunch?

I shook my head as an answer

-Let's go inside, come-on.

We went to the living room, she put her handbag on the sofa

-It seems like lunch isn't ready yet, let's sit here while they are preparing.

I nodded, then we both sit down quietly, feeling awkward, I opened my mouth to change that

-Did you ..... But before I could say more Martha had started talking too, only a few seconds after me like she knew and she felt the same way I did and she didn't enjoy either.

-Have you ............?

We both laughed

-Okay, Rahaf, go talk, what was your question?

-No, no, you should start. I objected

- Hmm............Martha looked like she's thinking, considering my proposition not knowing what to do.

-All right, have you slept well? Yes, it wasn't such a big question, she joked.

-A kind of, and I slept for too long, I giggled

-That's very good, you definitely need to rest and enjoy yourself a bit, but why did you say kind of?

-Well, I had this strange dream, I'm still feeling its effect and haven't been able to forget it yet.

Once Upon A Stranger  "Islamic Story" #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now