Chapter 19: First Ladies Weekend Part 1 : A welcome Gift

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-So what are your plans this weekend ? Martha asked out of nowhere, breaking the silence we were in, I looked through the window and sighed

-I don't have any plans, I will unpack, try to catch up with college and have a lot of rest.

Martha drunk her tea at one time, put back the mug on the table and said :

-That seems like a good plan, she bluffed and when I say good I'm mean horrible. She insisted on the word horrible that had actually made me laugh.

-You will unpack this morning, then we will go shopping, when was the last time you went ?

-Aaa.. But before I could say something she cut me

-You see, it's been like eternity.

-Yes, but I don't need any shopping and I don't want to spend money on things I don't need now.

-Of course you do need it, they say shopping is the best therapy ever, trust me that's true , and who talked about buying !!

-I don't know who said that, I replied, but I don't agree with, I believe that books are the best therapy.

-True too, don't worry, we will discuss my book tonight and maybe if I'm inspired I will even write a bit and you will assist me, okay ?

I nodded, smiling, didn't want to insist on rejecting, I know she's trying, trying to help me, to make me feel better, but all I want and need now is to lock myself in my room and stay there alone for the longer I can. I talked with Clara, tried to tell Mira, yet I couldn't reach her, it just feels like she's is no longer with me, like the physical distance between us have turned to emotional distance which sucks, I mean, if your friends are shut away from you than who is going to catch you, who is going to be there for you so you won't fall and if the destiny of all friendship is to get lost in distance than what is the point of making friends ?!!

I went back to my room, opened the suitcase and grabbed my clothes, hanged them in the wardrobe, one by one listening to the echo of silence, there are many things that I won't be needing anymore, I put them in a box to hide it in a corner until I decide what to do with them, I bought a lot of things, marriage is a new step in someone's life and need many things, it's a new home you're moving to, a new empty house that you're supposed to fill .

The morning had ended, I feel exhausted, so much things are still on the floor and have turned the room messy, it's still doesn't look as organized as it was when I first stepped in but I'm too tired to do a thing now, so I jump on the bed and just lay down surrounded by many things that I don't recognize them all, I stared at the roof, the ceiling lamp; silently trying not to think about anything. After a few minutes, I hear a knock on the door.

-Get in, I spoke still on the bed, didn't bother myself to sit or wear my head scarf cause I know it must be Martha or one of the servants who are all women.

The door is opened and Martha walked in.

-You have made a little mess for yourself , she looked around the room.

-I'm sorry, I will finish soon, I just needed rest, I apologized and seated on the bed.

-Why are apologizing ? It's your room, you can do whatever you want with it.

My lips draw a smile on them, my cheeks changed and my eyes shone, no one ever told me that, my mom always complained about my room, she wants it to be very organized all the time yet I had no time for that and I had always lot of papers and stuff, it was hard to keep it as she wants it to be.

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