Chapter 02: The Wind of Change

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A week has passed since our little conversation, well frankly it's almost a week and it was not a conversation, it was more me yelling; anyway it definitely had some good result; things have changed and became better, surely we didn't just turn to be a perfect couple in a week,  but things get better, he came home earlier, less drunk,  it was only two nights but,  at least not every night; that is an improvement , we had dinner together few times and we even had some short silly conversation, basically we acted like nothing has happened, we never spoke about it again and we moved on and because he changed his behavior, he knows I wouldn't call his mom and even when I do I won't complain or say anything bad about him.

Speaking of change, we are even watching a movie together tonight, what a strange coincidence; the movie is about war and love, it's called ''The Legend of Hercule''.  I don't know why we like to associate these two and even go far to make them alike, in both we may lose or win, in both we have to make the best plans in order to win, I personally think that adding love to war will somehow make it less cruel and give it some human side, to turn thing emotionally but honestly how could you think of love when your life is in danger.


-Did you say something? And why are you speaking loud? Are you trying to make me deaf? "

-Oh darling, I said many things, but you didn't hear any, what is troubling you? "

Why do men always think that? Just because I'm thinking doesn't necessarily mean I have problems it just means I'm thinking.

-Nope, everything is all right ." I said smiling

-You didn't like the movie then?" 

-No, not all, it's beautiful, even if it contains too much visual effect, but the story is good, heroism, sacrifice,  and all these things, you know ...."

-Visual effect!!  Of course,  you have to criticize and find something smart to say, can't you just enjoy a movie as people  do!! "

-Ahmm! Things are getting quite interesting, would you let us watch, please? "

And with that, he didn't say a word again during the rest of the movie.

The movie strangely fits what was happing in my life, war; we were definitely in one and it seems like I won this time, not because he loves me or cares about me, but because he loved his mom and didn't want to disappoint her and break her heart, but I wonder how long it will last, for how long I will enjoy what is somehow a victory, which made me feel better but still there is something missing, there is going to be always something missing there between us, just the thought of he is only here and we are sitting next to each other watching a movie together is only because of his love for his mom, it makes me feel disappointed , people may say it's my fault, I dragged his mom in this but Allah knows that I tried, I really tried but he didn't give me much choices. 


Days have passed; things have turned to be stable now at home and I can finally say that I get used to my new life here,  I have come to accept it the way it is, surely I hope things will get better, but I know very well that is not going to happen in a  few weeks, change takes time ; it begins slowly until it reaches its final step, I just need to be more patient; in the meanwhile I should get a job, start the search party.

I obviously always dreamed to have a  good job, to be able to make a change, to affect the others life and make it better; by sitting home all day I'm not doing much, it's time for the little butterfly to come out and live, it's time to fly in London sky , to be a part of something , to do something good is what I want and why I need to find a job.

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