Chapter 13: I'm No GentleMan but A beast

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All right, this is all , the flat is not very big, yet it should be enough for us, your room is on the left, what do you think? Sarah asked

I looked around me taking another look, to be honest, I didn't like it much nor did I like the fact of living with Sarah, sadly I don't have much choice, we already agree on everything, each cook and eat alone, no questions, each practice her religion freely, no party, visitors are not allowed for me yet, at least at night, which is fine to me, I mean who will visit me anyway.

-I like it, I lied .

-Welcome home Rahaf. She Said smiling, trying to look cheerful

I took my suitcase to my room, later I have to bring the rest of my things, many things were left there, after that, I went to pray, I thanked Allah so much, I had finally managed to find a place and things will work out, it will get better , I just need to be patient , the storm is over, I found a home and I will build my life again from the start, I will stand again.

I looked at the suitcase thinking if I should start unpacking or wait, hmm; I am feeling exhausted and tired, so I decided to wait until I bring everything then I will know where to put it all.

As I lay in my bed, I thought of my parents, of my family, my friends, no one knows what happened, no one knows yet that I left my husband, the only one who know is my boss, I had to bear it all alone, which make things harder; colder , my only comfort relies on the thought that I'm not alone, that Allah knows, that he's with me and he didn't abandon me.

Warm tears have fallen from my eyes, each time I remember, I still can't hold it, maybe I shouldn't, maybe I don't want to, so I let myself cry until I had no more tears in my eyes , I had no one to wipe them or just hold me and tell me it's going to be all right.

I looked at the clock near me, I should go and prepare something to eat, I can't ignore the fact that my stomach is empty even if I want to. I went to the kitchen, in my way I saw Sarah sitting in the living room, she looked pissed off and angry , her phone in her hand, she stared at the screen for a moment then put it on the table repeatedly, I never saw her like this before.

-I am going to prepare something to eat, do you want something ?

She looked at me angrily, I could see fire in her eyes

-No , I don't want anything from you so leave me alone ........ What can you possibly do for me ?? You have done enough ........ Everything is your fault, Youu, since you walked in, It's all your fault.

I looked at her confused, what's she talking about, what have I ever done to her, I barely talked with her before, obviously, she is mad at someone and she just throws it on me, but why did she say since I walked in ??

-Sarah, I don't understand what you mean. I replayed

-Of course you don't, keep playing innocent girl , but you don't fool me, go now, leave me alone, I can't even look at you so how can I live with you !! Leave now this flat! I don't want you anywhere near me.

I narrowed my eyes, what is going on ? Two hours ago, she was fine and we were okay, now she can't stand me, I don't understand anything .

-But Sarah, we had agreed about everything , what changed your mind ? I don't understand.


I went back to my room, I mean the bedroom since it's no longer mine, this was very short, shorter than I thought it will be, I took my suitcase and walked out of the flat quickly without looking back, I was mad, I never liked the idea of living here with her and I have never been fired like this ever before and she didn't even tell me why, a lot of things are happening lately for the first time in my life sadly most of them are not a good stuff, they're the one you wish they ever happen.

Once Upon A Stranger  "Islamic Story" #Wattys2016Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz