Chapter 11 : A Crying sky

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Opened my eyes to see the same roof I have been sleeping under these last months, the bed feels so cold , I turned my face to the opposite side to find it empty, I looked to the window to see the light coming beneath it, it must be the morning, I checked my phone to see it's already 7 am, time to wake up and leave the bed, I turned my face again to face his side of bed, I have no idea if he come home last night or not, when I slept he wasn't here yet, then I slept so deeply and haven't woke up until now, his side was messy but it could have been me who cause it, I turned my face again and gazed the roof, I told myself to stop thinking about it; him, this is not the first time nor will it be the last. Today is a big day to me, I have to wake up and leave the bed now.

I took off the cover and went straight to the bathroom, washed and make wudua, the water is so cold, the heat hasn't been working well lately, I don't know how to fix it or who to call, I went out quickly from the bathroom, prayed then left to prepare breakfast, the house is quiet today, there is no sound except mine, I sit on the chair, a mug of coffee and cookies on the table, drunk it slowly while I was contempling the window, how quickly the weather changes here, the sun is already gone, covered by gray clouds, so much I miss sunny days, the fresh air that I smell in the morning while I am sitting in our garden back home, the birds singing killing the silence, all of these simple things are gone now and missed so much.

I put the mug on the table, then went straight to my bedroom, changed my clothes, I wore a long dark blue maxi skirt and white shirt, covered my hair with a dark blue head scarf, put my white coat and end up with boots, before leaving, I stopped in front of the mirror to check myself one last time, I smiled to myself, I look and feel good today then I headed to the front door and left the house.

I reached work in time, went straight to my desk after greeting my coworkers, sit in front of the screen and begin working, today is a new beginning for me, a fresh start, no more worries, no more sadness or negativity, everything will be all right, it will be fine I said to myself

Nothing specials happened all morning, I had a lot of work that needs to be done and since I won't be working in the evening than I had to be fast to accomplish the most of it if not all, I worked fast, trying not to waste a minute, time passed very fast. When I looked at my watch, I saw that is already noon, so I saved my work, turned off the computer and prepared myself to go for lunch.

Before leaving the office, I went to see Clara, when I arrived, she wasn't in her office so I decided to sit and wait for a few, without noticing I found myself looking at Mr.Watson office door, it's been weeks since I saw him, what Clare and me thought it's a matter of days has become a matter of weeks if not a month, never have I ever thought that something like that would happen but what can I do, things happen for a reason, a good reason , I sighed then turned my gaze to the other side and just waited, it didn't take long for me to hear :

-You're ready to leave ?

I nodded, smiling when I saw her coming fast, she put some papers on her desk then turned to me :

-You do look ready and pretty for the first day.

-Thank you .

-You're welcome, she stopped for a few then added : Don't forget today is just about instructions so it won't be much, but it doesn't mean it's not important because you will learn and understand how things will be.

-Sure thing, I better go now, I don't want to be late.

-Yep, you should. Good luck and Bon Appetite, she stopped for a while to add: " Leave while I will stay here to work on these endless papers, so many things need to be organized for our grumpy boss".

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