Chapter One

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Front image of Roselyn's room

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Front image of Roselyn's room

My eyes flicked open very slowly and a gentle smile spread out across my face, feeling the gleam of light through the slightly opened curtains some feet away. I began to sit up slowly, taking in deep and reassuring breaths and stepped off the bed for a nice stretch.

I glanced at my alarm on one of the bedside tables, it was 6:15am, that is about 15 minutes away from it's ringing time so I woke up pretty early obviously due to all of the excitement ringing in my head for the past few days. I decided to say my prayers which lasted a few minutes and again felt refreshed.

I was born here in Toronto, but when I was about 6 or 7 years old, my family relocated back to Nigeria, I never really got to know the reason why and also never really asked, so I guessed for business reasons. And now, we are back.

This is the first time I'm having a major move over, all the others have been vacations upon vacations until my parents had suddenly said we were actually coming over this time to live here and not the usual back and forth.

Still in my night robe, I move towards the large curtains at the side of my room and just stared outside for a moment taking it all in still not being able to believe I am here right now I mean, it all happened so fast.

Just a week ago during one of our family dinners, dad revealed to my sister and I that we were moving to Toronto, I thought it was just one of those vacations we usually came for but it all completely turned around I didn't even get the chance to say goodbye to my friends. Funny fact was two days after my dad's announcement, we were in a plane coming to Canada, not like we hadn't many times but this time around, it felt different since we were actually coming to live here in Forest Hill South, Toronto.

Well, my parents are business gurus and CEO's of reputable companies and most of the time working with other big businessmen so I guess at the moment they have much more work around here and that would be why we had to move here. So we're back here in Toronto, also back to all the ma'am and sure ma'am Diana and I get around the mansion on daily basis.

My alarm goes off at the right time, and in a few seconds I'm off to the bathroom to get ready for my new school which starts... TODAY.

I am not really the type of girl who needs loads of makeup or spends hours getting dressed to look good. I believe in moderacy as a rule. Simple and Classy.

I pack up all of my materials into my Gucci bag  and slipped on a small bracelet and my silver wrist watch. Diana also has to start college next week, but she's going to check it out today and then Maxwell would be dropping me off at my school. I really can't wait.

Lastly, I apply some powder on my face and some lip gloss, which I put it in my bag for later use. I finish up and leave the closet and, a few seconds later; walked out the door.

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