Chapter Twelve

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            NATE'S POV

This is definitely weird, Roselyn being late to class ...that's never happened except we halted her. I glanced at the wall clock again and realized the teacher would be here in just a few minutes and she still wasn't in class yet.

Mitchell and a few of her cheerleading friends walked in giggling, June and Lily would be having another class now but where is Roselyn

The teacher came in a few minutes later, and specifically asked about her before beginning the class, but no one said anything even if they knew where she was. The whole class went by, but she was still not in. I immediately felt something was wrong because I knew she was in school

"If anyone of you spots Roselyn, do tell her to see me before going home today, alright" the teacher said at the end of the period 

Immediately the bell rings,  everyone started leaving and we also left and started making our way towards the cafeteria until Mitchell started leading us somewhere else, saying she had something important to do first and we had to come with her. Brian started wining with that action and kept asking where she was leading us to, which by the way was on a different section of the school.

A few minutes later, we were standing in front of a closed janitor's closet and Mitchell opened the door

I looked inside only to see Roselyn sitting on the floor, Brian who had been blabbering all along stopped and it looked like the girls had planned this perfectly. Roselyn stood up and just stared from one person to the next until she met my gaze. For the first time, I actually saw anger clearly written on her face and she walked away

"Mitchell have you gone nuts" Brian said very angrily, as we began walking towards the cafeteria "what kind of a stupid plan was that" he was obviously trying to control his anger, and it's very rare to see Brian angry

"I am not nuts Brian, what is it ...why, why are you always against me and what I do. Seriously why do you behave like this and just taunt me" Mitchell stated angrily but didn't raise her voice like she usually did but if this went on I didn't think it would remain that way.

We got into the cafeteria receiving admist stares as usual and made our way towards our usual sitting location already occupied by June and Lily. 

"What did I do wrong huh, I hate that girl and I thought we all did" Mitchell stated staring at Brian and Eric for a while before continuing "aren't we supposed to make that girl's life miserable, that's exactly what I'm doing. We know nobody goes through that area during classes so what exactly...." she hit her fist on the table as Brian cut her off

"...Listen to yourself Mitchell, miserable huh, even at the expense of getting suspended" Brian said with a scoff "What if someone did pass by while she was trying to get out, did you think of that? Look we all know that you have..." he stopped, but I could guess what he wanted to say and holding back was definitely the best thing to do at that moment.

Obviously, the fact that Mitchell didn't like Roselyn didn't go unnoticed by any of us, but the reason she did is better left unsaid. Mitchell gets overly dramatic on topics like this...seeing other girls as competition. And as for Roselyn, her being on my bad side just made it easy for Mitchell to justify her actions.

"I have, I have what...finish it" she stood up raising her voice with haste this time grabbing the attention of others around

"Look guys, we should all calm down and maybe what Brian is trying to say is that what you girls did was risky, I mean, what if a teacher or someone had passed by or something, then you would have gotten into trouble" Eric also stood up trying to talk to Mitchell and the girls who were also standing up

"You shouldn't have made her miss class" Brian said again also standing up and I remained the only one sitting

"I don't think that should matter Brian" Lily started saying "I mean I just don't get you, what exactly is your point. Nathan here doesn't even have an issue with all this and here you are making a fuss" she continued obviously thinking she had hit the right spot by mentioning my name

I glanced at Brian who was already sitting and would definitely be wishing to give Lily a slap right now, but he is pretty good at keeping it all in

"You know what, I don't understand you anymore" Mitchell said still angry "and read my lips, I don't care what you think" she huffed again and almost immediately walked out as June and Lily did the same

"Wait do you guys think I went too far, I was just trying to explain things to them" Brian raised up his hands in defense

"With Mitchell...I think you travelled far. Obviously she didn't think things through  and just did what she wanted to do" I sighed and stared at them "but they were right about something, I do not like that girl and you both especially know what I can do when I hate someone, right" I said turning back to my phone as a chuckle escaped my lips

I really didn't need to put up a sign ' no questions' before it was understood

Author's Note:

This chapter was really quickened as I just had to update no matter how little, so I apologize for any mistakes or errors

Okay, so I guess we are getting somewhere, I hope you all are enjoying the story just vote and comment

Also, new announcement updates to be coming up on Fridays or Saturday...keep reading

Love you all 😘😘😘

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