Chapter Fourteen

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        NATE'S POV

None of us had seen Roselyn since what happened; I guessed she had spent the whole day on a bed. The guys and I were on our way to our cars when I noticed she and Megan coming out of the school building and just by looking even from afar I could see a bandage on the side of her forehead where Jane had hit her with the bat, but as they got closer she also looked really nervous and I was sure that wasn't because of us but maybe her sister who was some feet away resting on the door of a white limo with a man probably in his thirties standing beside her, only then did I realize what was playing out

The whole thing happened very fast, couldn't even blink... Rose's sister just slapped her right in the parking lot in front of everyone and then as quickly as it happened, I realized something else, Rose had obviously not told her sister a single thing about me.

The guys and I drove over to my house quietly, since that's where we met each other many times, but I just couldn't get the picture of Roselyn's sister slapping her out of my head.

"I seriously don't understand what is wrong with both of you, really, I don't get why you're behaving like something worse than that had happened" Mitchell started saying as we went upstairs until we got into the library where Ashley was. It was more like a one-sided debate with Eric and Brian because they weren't saying anything. I could feel they weren't  happy one bit about what happened today even though they weren't going to say it out directly since I was around, but I actually didn't care though and just took a quick glance at Ashley as she sat in a chair busy listening to Mitchell, while I just sat and turned my attention back to my phone

"Please just shut the fuck up Mitchell, what do you mean that wasn't 'bad' enough huh, is it until the bandage was wrapped around her whole head that it would be bad enough" Eric said raising his voice as he spoke and I could feel the tempting anger in his voice but I paid no attention

"Relax bro, just chill out and forget about it" Brian said with his arm on Eric's shoulder "We both know this conversation is making no difference to Mitchell and her wonderful friends" he said with an obvious smirk

"The problem is, they should just..."

"Will you guys shut up" I shouted standing up, just listening to all of their rubbish and ranting was getting on my nerves "I've said it before and I'm going to say it again, the last time, I don't want to hear any word about that girl called ROSELYN around me, is that clear?" I said making eye contact with each of them

"What exactly is your problem with her Nathan, why are you so bent on making her life miserable?" Eric was facing me now, he was spitting out those words very calmly, staring right into my eyes "Because as far as we all in this room know, you've never met her before we resumed this semester, but it's like you've decided to unleash all of your packed in pain on her" He chuckled a bit, picked up his car keys and walked out of the room 

 Mitchell had some look of confusion, Brian looked completely emotionless,  and even Ashley looked derailed. It felt like they had all wanted to say that to me at some point but they couldn't, and now that Eric did, they're not sure what to expect. I left the library and walked to my room shutting the door. I couldn't even be mad at Eric because he was....right. As much as i wanted him to be wrong, he was right. Everytime I saw her, she reminded me of mom in pain, she reminded me of my times of hurt, she made me feel weak and I've been trying, really hard to make it stop. I could not understand how she could have the power to control and determine the thoughts in my head. 

I sat on the floor by the bed and simply stared, allowing my thoughts engulf my mind. I suddenly heard a loud noise from my phone, I picked it up and it was an alarm I had set for 8:00pm

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