Chapter Two

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I could still feel the same smile across my face even now in the car with Maxwell and Diana and I believe it would be there the whole day. I can't believe it's already here my first day of school right here in Toronto. Coming here on vacations is one thing, but schooling... that's way different.

For a few seconds, I glanced at Maxwell as he drove and hummed to the music playing from the car's stereo. Dad has always told me to call him uncle Maxwell but then he had said he doesn't like it so I kind of still secretly call him Maxwell when dad's not around of course

I wind down the glass which are obviously tinted and it's seems like a very busy Monday morning cars, bikes and people all around. I take in a deep breath and wind back up, trying as much as possible to stay calm

My eyes shift towards Diana who seems to be really busy on her phone, Maxwell would be dropping her off at college any moment from now and then off to my school. I decide to get busy with my phone as well at least to relax a bit and some few minutes later, we were in front of the college gates

It was really beautiful, as I could see guys, ladies, grown men and women walking in and out of the large gates, and I remembered Dee wasn't exactly resuming today, just to finish up with some registration and take a walk around

After a series of hugs and good-byes, she walked through the gates, leaving just Maxwell and I in the car, I relaxed in the chair and felt my heart beat double, my head sent a quick message

Okay, here we go

I can't be nervous right...or am I. I closed my eyes for a second and opened them like I always did when I had a lot on my mind to deal with, just simply black out for some seconds and come back to reality; I call it my 'cleansing exercise'

A little while later, I felt the car come to a stop and dropped my phone beside me and just stared outside the window; boys and girls walking or riding into the school gates...some in groups and others alone, some chattering, typing on phones, walking, standing, etc and whatnot. I noticed another gate entrance for grown men and women who I guessed were the staff, and they passed through some other kind of entrance everyone just seemed ready for the day's business. Some of the students were staring at our car as we drove towards the parking lot area but they would definitely not be seeing me through those tinted windows at least for now.

Maxwell kept riding forward until we went past a post which read 'ENTRANCE:PARKING LOT' and even as I sat right there, I could only stare at the building and the first thing that came into my mind was... Perfect. This is definitely not what I had imagined, yeah, I imagined something big and beautiful but not this mighty building standing in front of me right now. Thank you Mom and Dad anywhere you are right now.

I stared upwards and saw the words written in bold block letters 'STANFORD HILLS HIGH' and right there, I immediately fell in love with this school. I looked out again and saw more students appearing, some in cars or on their bikes making their way to the school entrance... every one was just everywhere

Maxwell found a parking spot and I immediately carried out my cleansing exercise and a few seconds later, I opened the door. I instantly felt the cool breeze around me and just stared around again to be sure I was actually standing on the ground of Stanford Hills High, one of the most prestigious schools in Canada, with students from about 25-30 different countries... seriously I'm impressed

"Want me to walk you in? I heard Maxwell's voice from behind as he also looked around with a small smile

"No, I don't think there would be need for that" I replied with the same smile on my face

The Black Girl's Smile.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ