6- Camp, Quests, and Crushes

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Nico POV

When I got to the bathroom, I got out the tiny crystal prism and two drachmas. I think I'm going to call Will first since I miss him already. If you tell anyone that, though, you will have the worst underworld experience.

I turned on the shower, made a small rainbow, and did the special Fleecy saying that Percy taught everyone. I still don't understand how he can keep battle plans secrete but completely blab about things like this. Then the back of Wills's head popped up.

"Hey, Sunshine!"

"Neeks!!! How's the quest?!"

"Fine so far, how's camp?"

"Nope, tell me more about the quest. Stop diverting the subject!"

"Fineeee, if you're going to be that way, can you go get Chiron so I can tell you both at once?"

Will started moving in what I believe to be the direction of the big house. It's kinda hard to tell on these.

"I miss you already, Neeks. When you get back, wanna go and play that tacky robber game?"

"You know I'm going to beat you, right? I've got like 70 years of playing games on you."

"Yea, yea, I'm not going to go easy on you this time." Before we could continue trash-talking each other, he arrived at the big house.

"Wait, are you sure that you want to tell me about your quest? You told me when you left that you couldn't." Did I forget that I wasn't supposed to tell Will? Yup. Am I still going to tell him? F--- yea.

"I mean, you're going to pry it out of me anyway, so I might as well tell you."

"Nico? Is that you?" Dionysus came in with a cup of coke. "Ah, Nico! How nice to see you! And why are you here, Wilbur?"

"We came to see Chiron."

"Your a bit too late, I'm afraid. He just left."

"Where did he go? I'm supposed to update him on my quest."

"Probably to get his hooves polished. You can tell me, I am also a director of this camp after all." Uh-huh, yeah, right.

"Just tell him I safely arrived. I'm not at Hogwarts yet, so I can't start doing what Dad told me to. But I'm going to be there in like three days or so."

"Have fun, Nico. We should play a game of pinochle when you get back."

"Thanks, Mr.D."

~~Ash is wondering why they keep getting Black Pink ads when they have never listened to their music~~

After that, Will and I just kept talking until it was about time to go to bed. I didn't want him to get eaten by the harpies or have his siblings overhear our conversation. He tried to keep talking, but he got too tired at the end. Surprisingly I was the one that made him go to bed for once. I guess that even though this is a low-risk quest, it's still a quest, and you never know what is going to go wrong. We've both seen that too many times. 

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