2- Will! I can't Breath

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Nico POV

I was walking towards the infirmary to get more unicorn drought. Oh, gods, what am I going to tell Will?! He's going to be upset that I'm leaving. Before I could think anymore, I arrived. Unfortunately for me, Will was at the front desk today.

"Hey, Nico!"

"Hi, Will."

"What's wrong? Are you injured?" He asks, standing up and moving to my side of the desk.

"No, I'm just here to pick up some more unicorn drought."

"So for just stocks or because of something else?"

"I uh- got a quest. From my dad."

"WHAT!!! You're leaving! We just got out of a war, for god's sake! Who else are you taking?" He goes to fetch my stuff, and I follow him.

"It's a solo quest Will." He frowns at this.

"What's the quest?"

"You know I can't talk about it." He hands me the medication.

"Did you get a prophecy?"


"What?! Why?"

"It's not exactly a quest, but he wants me to do something for him." I thank him as he hands me the medicine.

"So when are you leaving?" I found the informative poster on the wall very interesting. It's important to know the differences between a virus and bacteria.

"Uh, now?" Did I really just say it as a question! What's wrong with me around him!

"Oh." He then tackled me into a bone-crushing hug. One thing I learned is that Will really loves physical affection. Totally the opposite of me, but I don't really mind. It's kinda... nice. When I first met him, I wouldn't let anyone touch me, much less hug me.

"Will! I can't breathe!"

"Sorry," he loosens his grip a bit but doesn't let go.

"Wiiiillllll, I have to go." He pulls back a bit but is still standing close to me.

"Fiiinneee." He wines. "How long are you going to be gone for?"

"A year," I whisper, but Will still heard me. He then pulls me back into the hug. "But hey! At least this is a low-risk one." I try to joke. I loosely put my arms around him. He then does something that is still shocking to me. WILL FREAKING SOLACE KISSED MY CHEEK! I know he probably means it to be like Hazels' cheek kisses, but still!!! I'm pretty sure I turned a bright shade of red.

"Stay safe and call me got that! Doctors orders!" I mumble a yes and leave the infirmary. I got to my cabin to grab the rest of my things. I look around my cabin one more time (Gods, I really needed to remodel) before I shadow traveled to England. 

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